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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:1 / 1.5
Course supervisor:Gunta Bēta
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Nursing Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Anatomy


Promote the acquisition of knowledge about the human body's chemical structure, the ongoing metabolic processes and their regulation possibilities.


Organic chemistry and biology at the secondary school level. State language knowledge.

Learning outcomes


On successful course completion the student will be able to:
• tell about the the human body-forming molecule structure and importance;
• characterize the enzyme activities and their relation to vitamins;
• define the main principles of bioenergetics and metabolism, their regulation options;
• assess the importance of biochemical results in diagnostics.


After course student will apply the acquired theoretical knowledge into practice and will be able to explain the processes occurring in the body:
• how the body can get energy from glucose and how the glucose reserves formation process happens, glucose synthesis with shortage of carbohydrates;
• how body gets energy from fat and how process of fat regeneration happens, the role of cholesterol, formation process of ketone bodies and how to prevent it;
• how amino acids get into organism, their usage.
Will be able to analyze the biochemical methods results and evaluate their importance.


The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge of the chemical processes ongoing in the body; their integration and regulation.