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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Vija Sīle
Study type:Full time
Target audience:Dentistry
Branch of science:Philosophy


To provide an overview of the basic problems of normative ethics and medical ethics, as well as to create an understanding of the ethical principles on which practical activities in modern medicine are based.


Corresponding to secondary education.

Learning outcomes


Knowledge about concepts used in ethics and medical ethics, such as personal autonomy, justice, confidentiality, collegiality, etc. Identification and interpretation of the most important problems and principles of medical ethics (human rights and medicine, personal autonomy, informed consent and ethical problems; non-maleficence and beneficence; principles of confidentiality and privacy and ethical concerns; the principle of justice).


Organizing views on the medical ethics; analysing ethical issues and debating, demonstrating the justifications applied by different theoretical approaches; finding solutions for medical ethics cases, evaluating their shortcomings and strengths; criticizing and defending arguments and principles used in medical ethics debates.


Cognitive and communicative competence.

Study course planning

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