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About Study Course

Department: Language Centre
Credit points / ECTS:1 / 1.5
Course supervisor:Miervaldis Karulis
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine; Medical Services
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Linguistics


To develop the usage of communication skills in English in the field of medical terminology for study purposes and work in the specialty in the future and to promote the acquisition of medical terminology in English and its practical use.


Knowledge of the study course MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY IN ENGLISH of the 1st study year (semesters 1 and 2) of the second level professional higher education study programme MEDICINE.

Learning outcomes


As a result of the study course students
1) will recognize the medical/pediatric terminology in various sources of information in English,
2) will name the most commonly used terminology equivalents in the medical/pediatric field in English,
3) will explain various medical/pediatric-related phenomena using the medical/pediatric terminology in English based on the Latin-Greek medical terminology and the specific medical terminology in English.


As a result of the study course students
1) will be able to find the necessary medical information from various sources,
2) will be able to select, collect, analyze and correctly use the medical/pediatric terminology in English for communication (for example, in conversations, discussions, presentations, etc.) in the medical/pediatric discourse,
3) use appropriate means of English expression to express their views, to argue and actively participate in conversations and discussions on various medical/pediatric topics,
4) provide a compilation of the information obtained and analyzed from different sources, using the appropriate medical/pediatric terminology in English.


As a result of successful study, students will be able to use the acquired medical/pediatric terminology in English in new situations in relation to knowledge and skills acquired during other courses.