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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Kitija Bite
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Civil and Military Defense; Juridical Science
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Law


To provide students with an understanding of the issues of scientific research methodology, scientific research methods as a basis for conducting study work, the course of the research process and its organization, as well as the basic principles of developing, designing and defending study work.


Information literacy (Ability to find, select, evaluate, manage and use information necessary for conducting scientific research work).

Learning outcomes


- name and describe science branches in Latvia; - names the types of research design; - arranges the stages of the research in a logical order; - outlines the conditions of the Methodological Rules for the basic requirements for research design; - identifies types of academic honesty; - name 4 types of legal problem and describe each of them; - defines the types of sources and the possibilities of finding them for scientifically reliable sources; - describes the topic and topic differences; - reproduces the logic of the content chapters from the sample; - identifies 11 elements of research methodology; - names methods and methods of interpretation of legal norms, knows how to handle them; - describes the nature of scientific writing style; - name the features of other writing styles; - describes the essence of the final research work; - summarizes the research results from the sample; - recognizes the stages of presenting the research result.


- explains and argues the choice of research design for legal science research; - explains and justifies the necessity of the sequence of research stages; - explains the essence of the Methodological Rules and recognizes errors in their non-observance; - recognizes violations of academic honesty in practical situations; - identifies the type of legal problem in a specific situation; - recognizes and knows how to find scientifically reliable sources; - can formulate topics and topic names in examples; - can formulate a simple table of contents from a sample; - can explain the use of methodology in study work I; - knows how to arrange the elements of the methodology in the correct order and is able to describe this order; - able to describe differences in methods and methods of interpretation of legal norms; - recognizes the scientific writing style in the text; - is able to explain the mechanism of formation of the conclusion of the research work; - is able to select research results from the sample to be forwarded for presentation; - knows how to identify the most important research results that characterize the topic; - able to lay out the final content in a presentation sample (PPTX); - able to work in a team, discuss, argue and present research results.


- resolves practical violations of academic integrity and does not allow them in their activities; - describes a specific legal problem for its topic; - knows how to find and use scientifically reliable sources for his topic; - plans and describes the research methodology for the chosen topic; - modifies the methods and methods of interpretation of legal norms for the topic of his research work; - knows how to design a research paper in accordance with the requirements of the Methodological Regulations; - analyzes foreign text, finding methodology errors and correcting them; - practically knows how to present the results of research work using a sample (PPTX).

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Police work, PDNida 1Bachelor’sRequiredKitija Bite