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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Edīte Domaševa
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Midwifery
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Health care sciences and services


To promote the acquisition of knowledge about the current principles and methods of maternal and child health care organizations, as well as health care organizations as a whole, their policy and financing issues in the country and the world. To introduce students to the theoretical assumptions and practical methods of health care management, their application possibilities. To provide an understanding of the quality management system in the health care system.
Promote the acquisition of knowledge and the development of understanding of the regulatory framework in health care - the rights and obligations of medical personnel, patients, the storage of medical documentation, the protection of personal data, the legal aspects of the midwife's work - the procedure for providing childbirth assistance, the rights and obligations of individuals in the field of sexual and reproductive health.


Public health and epidemiology, concept and concept of health, philosophy and medical ethics, communication psychology., introduction to evidence-based care, fundamentals of law.

Learning outcomes


1.As a result of the study course, students acquire knowledge about the rights and obligations of medical practitioners, patients, personal data protection, storage of medical documentation, personal data protection, legal aspects of midwifery work - the procedure for providing childbirth assistance, rights and obligations of individuals in the field of sexual and reproductive health. Students will have developed an understanding of medical law, its importance in the processes of social life and professional activity.
As a result of studying the study course, students will be able to define maternal and child health care policy, the Republic of Latvia and international health care policy documents as a whole.


1.Students will understand the legal aspects of the profession - medical law (including the rights and obligations of medical practitioners, patients) and medical documentation record-keeping, personal data protection, legal aspects of midwifery work - procedures for providing childbirth assistance, rights and obligations of individuals in the field of sexual and reproductive health. The student will understand the applicable legislation in professional activities and situations that may arise in daily work.
Students will learn the ability to apply in their professional activities the regulatory and recommending acts of the Republic of Latvia and international health care, including ICM, and EMA guidelines in the midwifery work organization.


1.Students will be able to apply medical law - they will know the rights and obligations of medical practitioners and patients, they will learn to protect personal data, incl. medical documentation, as well as know their rights and obligations as a health care worker, the procedure for providing childbirth assistance, the rights and obligations of individuals in the field of sexual and reproductive health.
Will be able to define and analyze the basic principles of the quality management system. Will be able to analyze and propose solutions for improving the organization and provision of the mother and child health process.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Midwifery7BachelorRequiredPēteris Ersts, Edīte Domaševa, Signe Koritko, Valentīna Beļavska