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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Jana Duhovska
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Rehabilitation
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation


To develop the creative potential in musical expression, raise awareness of their own experience in music and its evaluation, to get acquainted with the language of music. To develop ability of spontaneity, creativity and self-reflection. To enhance comprehension of MT historical development and versatility of theoretical attitudes. To develop the skill to choose and use the evaluation and assessment instruments, appropriate for the specificity of the group of clients/patients.


Professional activity in arts therapy and its legal fundaments.

Learning outcomes


1.MA students name the facts about MT development history, characterise MT basic principles and development processes in relation to other fields of art. Define the general concepts within the context of profession. Compare the art/music-based evaluation and assessment instruments, explain and substantiate their application to various groups of patients/clients. Comprehend ethical considerations regarding the research and evaluation. Master MT techniques.


1.MA students use theoretical knowledge in order to determine and analyse MT approaches and evaluation and assessment instruments in relation to various groups of clients/patients. Analyse the sources of information about MT approaches, synthesise knowledge, substantiating the choice in an argued manner. Assess their own experience in the use of music-based instruments. Use various MT techniques and the language of music. On the basis of self-reflection and the personal experience, acquired in the creative process, describe and evaluate their own artistic expression experience and the language of art.


1.MA students integrate and substantiate the use of MT theoretical approaches and the evaluation/assessment instruments according to the client/patient's needs and age.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Art Therapy2Master'sLimited choiceJana Duhovska