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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Baiba Mauriņa
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Pharmacy
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Basic Sciences of Medicine, including Pharmacy; Pharmacy


The aim of the national degree examination is to provide the knowledge, skills and competence necessary for obtaining the qualification of a pharmacist.


All undergraduate study courses.

Learning outcomes


Knowledge about methods for obtaining, analysis and determination of efficacy of medicinal products. Knowledge about the range of medicinal plants, their distribution, morphological description, biologically active substances of herbal drugs, their properties. Knowledge of evidence-based use of medicinal plant and animal drugs and products in medicine; their place and role in maintaining and / or restoring health.
Will be able to correctly, clearly and unambiguously explain the effect of the drug, use, metabolism, side effects, provide answers to questions related to the drug, both health care professionals and non-specialists, combining and applying the basic knowledge of the study program courses in specific situations, taking into account security and well-being of a patient.
Will know, will be able to explain and perform principles and methods of preparation of medicinal products in pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies, will be competent in ensuring of the movement of medicinal products in healthcare system; will be able to evaluate the impact of manufacturing and storing conditions on the quality of medicinal products.


Ability to identify and analyze medicinal substances, prepare herbal drugs, analyze them.
Will be able to independently analyse complex situations and make decisions, providing and organizing pharmaceutical care, regularly analysing the self-assessment of their activities. Will be able to use sources of professional pharmaceutical information and, when interpreting and evaluating scientific data in the field of medicinal product use, provide evidence-based information on medicinal products and the rational and safe use of medicinal products.
Will be able to develop and standardise dosage forms, to follow amendments in legal enactments of the Republic of Latvia regulating the field of pharmacy, follow current normative documents of the European Union in the field of health and recommendations set by the World Health Organisation and observe them in own pharmaceutical work. Will be able to apply basic principles of business and marketing in the pharmaceutical work.


Ability to evaluate different methods of analysis of medicinal substances, to find the most suitable solution for determining the goodness of medicinal products. Will be able to advise patients on the proper preparation and use of herbal products.
Will be able to promote the development of pharmaceutical care. Within the scope of their competence, they will be able to promote a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention, paying special attention to the risk groups of the population.
Will be able to manage the work of auxiliary staff, pharmacist' assistant, will be full-fledged member of healthcare team and cooperate with other healthcare professionals on the basis of mutual respect.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Pharmacy, FF10Master’sRequired