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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Kristīne Rasnača
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Paediatrics


In the "Neonatology" study course, the student acquires in-depth knowledge of children in the perinatal and neonatal period, the most common pathologies, the structural and functional characteristics of the body, the regularities of growth and development, and the principles of health promotion.
The study course forms the necessary skills and attitude to apply this knowledge when starting work and studies in the "Residency in Medicine" program.


In humanities and social sciences disciplines, which develop students' critical creative thinking skills, understanding of man as a living being and his importance in society.
In foreign languages (Russian, English or German, Latin).
In preclinical disciplines: human anatomy, physiology, cell and medical biology, microbiology, embryology, genetics, parasitology, medical and biophysics, medicinal chemistry, histology.
Medical terminology in Latvian, English, Russian and Latin languages.

Learning outcomes


After successfully completing the requirements of the "Neonatology" study course, the student will have acquired knowledge that will allow:
Describing the place of perinatology and neonatology in medicine. To evaluate the importance of anamnesis features in the neonatal period, to understand the features of adaptation of newborn children and to recognize borderline states; to understand the physiological characteristics of a premature, full-term and transferred newborn child; recognize asphyxia in the perinatal period, neonatal encephalopathy, hypotonic newborn, convulsions in the neonatal period, as well as jaundice, hemolytic anemia and hemorrhagic syndrome in the neonatal period; to understand the most frequent CNS pathologies in newborns, disorders of the respiratory system in newborns; recognize infections in the perinatal period, shock in the neonatal period and will understand the emergency treatment of shock; know the basic principles of neonatal pharmacology and the selection of emergency medications.


The study course improves learning skills, research skills and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
The study course provides the competence to understand and apply the basic concepts learned in the study subject;
The study course improves cognitive and methodological skills. After completing the study course, the student will be able to formulate key words, orient himself in textbooks and Internet databases to find the necessary information about the child in the perinatal and neonatal period;


The student will be able to collect anamnesis, conduct a clinical examination, assessing deviations from the norm, be able to identify the most frequent pathologies of the perinatal and neonatal period, order examinations and draw up an initial treatment plan, advise the mother on care and prevention issues, document the results in the patient examination protocol and report it to colleagues using terminology accepted in medicine, observing ethical principles and requirements for data protection of natural persons.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Medicine, MF7Master’sLimited choiceAmanda Smildzere, Dace Sniedze, Kristīne Rasnača, Dina Apele-Freimane
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Medicine, MF8Master’sLimited choice