Nutritional Chemistry (LU_002)
About Study Course
Learning outcomes
1) About composition of food and about transformations of the food components during food processing, storage and usage;
2) About determination of the food components: instrumental methods and methods of chromatography for food analysis.
3) Manage and classify chemical compounds in food and are able to forecast the changes in chemical composition during food processing, storage and usage.
4) Understand opportunities of the instrumental methods for analysis for inorganic compounds and of the chromatographic (HPLC) method for identification of organic compounds. Understand the principles of methods and are able to carry out identifying tasks accordingly to the prescriptions of the method, as well as understand the principles of processing of the received results.
5) Ability individually or in working group to forecast and to explain the chemical changes of the food components during storage, processing and usage of foodstuff and methods of identification of the compounds occurring.