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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Juris Svaža
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Dentistry; Medicine
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine


The course must provide knowledge for students in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, its pathophysiological factors, clinical symptoms, options of treatment and differentialdiagnosis. To recognise most common complications of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome


To start study course (or semester) all previous assessments according to Study plan (D1) should be successfully passed.
Course participants must know the normal and pathophysiology, Internal diseases.

Learning outcomes


1.Students must recognise and identify the clinical signs and symptoms as well as physical signs of the most common sleep disorders - Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, Restless legs, Narkolepsy, Insomnia. Memorise the classification of sleep disorders and characteristics of the sleep in childhood and elderly. Students must describe the etiology and pathophysiology, medical and social consequences of the most common sleep disorders.


1.After this course the student will be able to evaluate patients with increased risk of OMAS, choose the necessary diagnostic method, send patients to sleep examinations, be able to interpret their results, choose the optimal treatment method and alternatives in each individual case.


1.Students understand general principles of pathogenesis of the disease, know its role in development of cardiovascular, metabolic and cognitive consequences. Know main clinical signs, symptoms and predisposing factors, are able to recognize elevated risk of the disease and know general methods of diagnostics. Know general considerations in treatment of the OSAS.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dentistry9Master'sLimited choiceJuris Svaža