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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Tatjana Jukna
Study type:Part-Time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Civil and Military Defense; Law
Study course descriptionFull description, Part-Time
Branch of science:Law


To provide students with theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in operational activities in the prevention and solving of economic crime in the field of tax and customs.


Knowledge of Financial and Tax Law.

Learning outcomes


Upon successful completion of the study course, the student:
- is familiar with the specifics of the regulatory framework and practice of operational activities in the field of tax and customs crime;
- orients in the sources of usable information and the possibilities of application thereof;
- analyses problem situations in the field of tax and customs crime and chooses the most appropriate solution.


Upon successful completion of the study course, the student:
- applies the specifics of the relevant regulatory framework for the investigation, solving and prevention of tax and customs crime;
- assesses the coverage of tax and customs crimes through operational activities;
- selects appropriate operational tactics for the investigation, solving and prevention of tax and customs crime.


Upon successful completion of the study course, the student is able:
- to investigate tax and customs crime, selecting and applying appropriate operational tactics;
- to evaluate and improve investigative methods in their professional activity;
- to initiate and formulate amendments to improve tax and customs legislation.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Protection of economic security, EDAMN 3Master’sLimited choice