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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Alise Adoviča
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Rehabilitation
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Otorhinolaryngology


Provide the students with knowledge in nose, throat, larynx and ear clinical anatomy and physiology, endoscopic and functional examination methods. Introduce with ENT diseases, their ethiology and pathogenesis, medical and surgical treatment methods, complications of these disaeses and their role in general pathology. Introduce with voice and hearing pathology and rehabilitation methods.


Knowledge of head and neck anatomy, physiology, pathologic physiology and acoustics. Preferable knowledge in pharmacology, radiology, oncology, infectious diseases, neurology and physiotherapy.

Learning outcomes


1.On completion of the study course students gain knowledge and:
• characterise clinical anatomy of the nose and paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx and ear, outline physiology of the ENT organs and their main functions;
• describe structure, principle of function and possible impairment of hearing and vestibular apparatus;
• explain production of the speech, language and voice;
• identify diseases of the ear, neck and nose;
• classify treatment methods and organise treatment plan;
• timely recognise complications of the diseases, in case of complicated and challenging treatment be able to organise multidisciplinary cooperation;
• explain peculiarities of ENT organs and those located close by and related to ENT organs in different age groups.


1.On completion of the study course students:
• demonstrate skills in endoscopic investigation of the ENT organs;
• are able to interpret the results of additional investigations – hearing evaluation and radiological investigation;
• perform ortophonic, breathing, relaxation and articulation exercises, are able to explain them and use them when working with patients;
• interpret data of the acoustic investigation of the voice (jitter, shimmer, HNR, phonetogram, spectrogram).


1.• are capable to plan their scientific thesis, use the results from the evidence based clinical trials found in literature overviews;
• justify own opinion in planning rehabilitation in case of voice impairment;
• gauge and give prognosis of the disease results;
• know risk factors, treatment methods and prognosis affecting factors of the oncological diseases in the ENT organs.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Audiologopaedics5BachelorRequiredAlise Adoviča