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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Ilze Konrāde
Study type:Full time
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Psychology; Pharmacy; Medicine
Language:English, Latvian
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine


Get acquainted with the specific nature of pedagogical work.
Acquisition and development of teaching skills by a doctoral student as a professional doctor and a university lecturer, by strengthening the resident’s ability to structure and transfer the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge logically, within a limited period of time and in an understandable way to the relevant audience, patients, students, colleagues and society as a whole.


Experience in postgraduate studies;
The study course “Higher Education Pedagogy” of the 1st year of doctoral studies completed.

Learning outcomes


The doctoral student will be able to outline medical or psychological theories, define basic findings, systematise, select teaching material; upon completion of the study course, the doctoral student extends the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired in the selected specialty, as well as acquires knowledge related to the application of teaching methods:
(a) in the pedagogical work of a higher education institution;
(b) in the provision of continuing education in the field of teaching postgraduates of medicine and medical support fields.


The doctoral student will be able to choose the best teaching method, design and integrate the material to be studied into innovative pedagogical technologies. Will develop the ability to explain the material in an optimal way, to organise the learning process and feedback.
Upon completion of the study course, the doctoral student will be able to carry out pedagogical work:
(a) at the university, including conducting theoretical and practical classes and colloquia for students. In addition to pedagogical skills within this type of pedagogical work, the ability to provide constructive feedback and to lead , mentor and motivate younger colleagues for professional improvement is developed;
(b) in educating patients, including developing interpersonal communication skills;
(c) in the field of continuing education.


The doctoral student will have developed professional, pedagogical, communicative and methodical competences related to the doctor's profession.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Health Care (subprogramme Pharmacy), DVAfeng3DoctoralRequired
Health Care (subprogramme Pharmacy), DVAf3DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde, Dace Bandere, Kristīne Mārtinsone
Health Care (subprogramme Medicine), DVAmeng3DoctoralRequired
Health Care (subprogramme Medicine), DVAm3DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde, Dace Bandere, Kristīne Mārtinsone
Health Care (subprogramme Psychology), DVApseng3DoctoralRequired
Health Care (subprogramme Psychology), DVAps3DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde, Dace Bandere, Kristīne Mārtinsone
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Health Care (subprogramme Pharmacy), DVAfeng4DoctoralRequired
Health Care (subprogramme Pharmacy), DVAf4DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde, Dace Bandere, Kristīne Mārtinsone
Health Care (subprogramme Medicine), DVAm4DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde, Dace Bandere, Kristīne Mārtinsone
Health Care (subprogramme Medicine), DVAmeng4DoctoralRequired
Health Care (subprogramme Psychology), DVApseng4DoctoralRequired
Health Care (subprogramme Psychology), DVAps4DoctoralRequiredIlze Konrāde, Dace Bandere, Kristīne Mārtinsone