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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Aira Aija Krūmiņa
Study type:Full time
Target audience:Midwifery; Communication Science; Medicine; Health Management; Pedagogy; Medical Services; Civil and Military Defense; Social Welfare and Social Work; Rehabilitation; Management Science; Nursing Science; Life Science; Biology; Sports Trainer; Clinical Pharmacy; Social Anthropology; Person and Property Defence; Juridical Science; Psychology; Political Science; Pharmacy; Dentistry; Business Management; Marketing and Advertising; Law; Sociology; Public Health; Medical Technologies; Information and Communication Science
Branch of science:Pedagogy


To expand the knowledge, skills and competence of students in various study programs of RSU about the importance and role of pedagogy in public education in environmental and health sustainability issues and issues related to the impact of environmental changes on health and the impact of health systems on the environment in order to integrate them into their own with the help of modern pedagogic strategies in professional work with the client/patient.


General knowledge appropriate to your level of study, profession and specialization. Basic knowledge in pedagogy.

Learning outcomes


Acquires knowledge and understanding of the concept of pedagogy in the context of health and environmental sustainability, the nature of environmental and health problems and the possibilities of solving them, legalities, cause and effect relationships, their content and importance, as well as the importance and role of sustainability in public life and health preservation.


Analyzes and evaluates environmental and health problems, creatively uses pedagogic approaches and tools in the development and implementation of sustainable solutions in their professional work. Develops and defends his concept of sustainable education.


Understands the importance of pedagogy, competently judges environmental and health issues, appropriately integrating the acquired knowledge and skills in the professional environment. Demonstrates the ability to competently and creatively organize their work, as well as to build cooperation with colleagues, clients, patients, students. Critically and reasonably seeks and implements interdisciplinary (pedagogy, environmental and public health, health care, etc.) approaches. Purposefully and independently improve their professional competence.

Study course planning

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