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About Study Course

Department: Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health
Course supervisor:Anda Mironova
Study type:Full time
Course level:First level
Target audience:Dentistry
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Educational sciences; General Pedagogy


To provide students with basic skills in pedagogy and health education, to give an overview of planning processes, understanding information, education strategies and methods ,conditions for creating teaching materials according to selected strategies and teaching methods, evaluation of the learning process.


Not necessary.

Learning outcomes


1.Includes an understanding of the learning process as a whole (motivation, needs assessment, definition of learning goals and objectives, selection of strategies and teaching methods, assessment of the effectiveness of the learning process), approaches to health education, information transfer according to prevention levels (primary, secondary, tertiary), general communication and communication, traditions of different cultures, races and religious affiliations.


1.The student will have mastered the planning of the study process according to the needs assessment, select and apply the most appropriate teaching methods and implement them, create positive and respectful communication with patients of different ages, manage patient fears and anxieties, follow Latvian literary norms in business and business style.


1.The student will be able to:
develop and implement new educational programs and methodological tools,
to apply the existing educational programs for different age groups of the population,
to organize and conduct educational events for the promotion of oral health for various age and social groups of the population,
to develop positive communication with patients of all ages, as well as patients with special needs,
communicate with the patient, their families, relatives involved in the care of the dental patient,
logically argue, discuss, present one's position, express an opinion and obtain the necessary information in communication with clients of different age and colleagues.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dental Hygiene2First levelRequiredAnda Mironova