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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Juris Zīvarts
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Civil and Military Defense; Juridical Science
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Law


To introduce students to the basics of personal data security. To promote students' ability to independently analyze personal data security issues, while explaining the theoretical basis and foundations of personal data security, paying attention to current personal data security issues today.
Tasks: to provide information on personal data, requirements to be followed when processing personal data, responsibility for violations in the processing of personal data.


Prior knowledge in Administrative Law and Human Rights (basics) is required.

Learning outcomes


To provide basic knowledge to prepare students for further learning about personal data and its protection.
To introduce the most important personal data protection issues, to promote students' ability to identify and solve practical problems related to personal data protection issues.
To introduce the most important concepts and terms of personal data protection, promoting the formation of legal thinking. To ensure that the acquired knowledge becomes the basis for further legal studies, while being able to apply it in practice.


After completing the course, the student will be able to analyze, synthesize and evaluate the place and role of physical personal data protection rights in professional work, develop scientific and research skills. Communication skills – the student will be able to communicate with other students of the legal science study program about the issues of physical personal data protection, demonstrate social skills and emotional intelligence. Orientation to further learning skills – will be able to independently structure their learning, analyze their level of knowledge and rationally supplement it, select and evaluate literature sources. Identify and formulate the problem, find causal relationships, i.e. the "root" of the problem and offer constructive solutions to the problem. Other general skills - will be able to take responsibility for one's decisions and actions, make critically evaluated decisions and find solutions in unforeseen and changing circumstances, adapt to new situations and be open to change, take leadership and initiative and be responsible for consequences, comply with ethical norms, demonstrate broad general knowledge and competences. Will be able to improve the skill of listening to different opinions.


The student will be able to perform specific tasks related to the protection of physical personal data, will be able to use knowledge and skills in professional and personal development. Application of legal norms (in the field of personal data protection and other sectors) not only "mechanically", but in accordance with the interests and priorities of society, in this way synthesizing the skills to work with the base of regulatory acts and the understanding of law in general. Will be able to offer not only formal solutions to personal data problems, but to find solutions that would serve society's wishes and priorities.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Police work, PDNida 2Bachelor’sRequiredJuris Zīvarts