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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Elga Bataraga
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Clinical Pharmacy
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine


To provide theoretical knowledge about acute and chronic skin diseases, their aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, principles of medical therapy, problems and algorithms, prophylaxis; different kinds of wounds, classification, options for medical therapy, problems, possibilities for modern use of wound care remedies, bandages and materials for dressings.


Basic knowledge in human anatomy, physiology and basic knowledge in pathology, basic knowledge in microbiology, pharmacology and epidemiology.

Learning outcomes


Dermatology: will understand the causes and course of dermatological diseases; will understand and analyse the results of differential diagnostics of skin diseases, will know the prophylactic possibilities of skin diseases; will be able to list and find the healthcare legislative acts of LR and EU related to dermatological diseases;
Wound care: will know forms and classification of the wounds; will know wound healing stages and phases; will know the novel medication, bandages and dressings, used in wound therapy; will understand the methods and aims in wound care.


Dermatology: to interpret and analyse the obtained medical facts and results; in collaboration with medical personnel will be able to create and evaluate the medical treatment plan; to act as professional in skin disease prevention in the context of public and individual healthcare; to take the organisational and administrative responsibility in making the choice of cost-effective and evidence based algorithms for medical treatment of dermatologic diseases.
Wound care: to evaluate the forms of the wounds and to choose the appropriate medical treatment methods; to explain to a patient the significance and aims of the wound care; to develop a proper cost-effective and evidence based wound care plan.


In collaboration with medical personnel to prescibe the medical treatment plan for an individual patient; to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different medical treatment methods, in the context of examination data of the patient; to supervise/control the course of medical therapy, to evaluate the results and to prepare the necessary information for other medical specialists.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Clinical Pharmacy, FFMp1Master’sRequiredIlze Upeniece, Iveta Ivdra