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About Study Course

Department: Language Centre
Credit points / ECTS:1 / 1.5
Course supervisor:Solveiga Čeirane
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Medical Services
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Linguistics


To provide a basic knowledge in phonology and branches of phonology.


Knowledge in Phonetics acquired at the Bachelor’s study programme “Speech Therapy”.

Learning outcomes


The students will be able:
- to explain and understand special terminology of phonology;
- to understand and classify sounds of the Latvian language according to the rules of phonology;
- to analyse and explain problems associated with classification of the sounds;
- to understand and analyse relationships between phonetics and phonology.


- to use and compare methods of the phonological analysis, discuss them;
- to use special terminology of phonology;
- to formulate one’s opinion.


Upon a successful completion of the course, students will be able to classify Latvian sounds according to the phonological rules; to apply the acquired terminology in practice.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.