Physical Pharmacy (FKK_032)
About Study Course
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge of the theoretical and practical principles of physical pharmacy. The tasks of the course are to develop skills to use knowledge of physico-chemical processes and phenomena in pharmacy, to acquire methods of determination of physico-chemical parameters of substances, to interpret acquired data, to improve presentation skills, as well as skills to work with scientific information sources. The course deals with thermodynamics, physical states of substances, phases and their transitions, kinetics, physico-chemical properties of substances in solutions, as well as colloidal systems.
Inorganic, organic and analytical chemistry, desirable knowledge of physics and advanced mathematics.
Learning outcomes
As a result of the course students will acquire knowledge of basic principles of drug substance thermodynamics and kinetics, drug state, other phase, physicochemical properties of solutions as well as colloidal systems of drug substances.
Using the acquired knowledge students will be able to characterize the physico-chemical properties of drug substances and will be able to solve problems related to physical pharmacy topics, eg drug substance stability, solubility, phase others, drug substance formulation. Students will acquire the skills to interpret the data obtained from the analysis, as well as to search and use information sources, collaborate in a group and present the results.
Using the acquired knowledge and skills will be able to apply appropriate physico-chemical methods for successful research and characterization of drug substances.