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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:1.33 / 2
Course supervisor:Dace Stirāne
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Rehabilitation
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Health Care


To provide theoretical knowledge about the possibilities of physiotherapy for persons with oncological diseases. To develop clinical reasoning abilities and rehabilitation problem solving skills in the context of physiotherapy for patients with oncological diseases.


Anatomy, physiology, pathological physiology, basics of physiotherapy, functional assessment in physiotherapy.

Learning outcomes


As a result of study course, student will gain knowledge about the advantages, limitations and effectiveness of assessment of functional disorders and physiotherapeutic treatment for patients functional limitations caused by oncological disease.


As a result of sudy course, student will be able:
- to analyze clinical cases of patients with oncological diseases and functional limitations caused by them, using the basic principles of ICF;
- to integrate knowledge and scientific evidence in the process of clinical reasoning and decision-making for patients with functional limitations caused by oncological diseases;
- recognize and analyze contextual factors, their impact, and integrates findings into the decision-making process;
- to plans physiotherapy services in cases of functional limitations caused by oncological disease, in order to achieve therapy goals and adapt to the patient's needs.


As a result of studying the course, student is able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in the process of clinical reasoning and decision-making in providing physiotherapy for patients with oncological diseases and functional disorders caused by them. Student plans and implements physiotherapeutic treatment for patients with oncological diseases.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Physiotherapy, RFF5Bachelor’sRequiredDace Stirāne, Marta Skudra, Liene Leske
Physiotherapy, RFFN5Bachelor’sRequiredDace Stirāne, Marta Skudra, Liene Leske