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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Eva Cela
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Nursing Science
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Health care sciences and services


To integrate patient care and related manipulation, according to the professional standard of nursing ethics and knowledge acquired in the 1st, 2nd year of the study programme. Apply positive communication skills with the patient in care process, as well as cooperation with his relatives and other members of the team. To support the practical operation of the legal and ethical principles. Take a self-care plan for an individual patient and take care of patients in accordance with the set priorities for action.


Pharmacology, clinical care basics, clinical care, nursing process and nursing theory, interpersonal communication in health care, Practice I, Practice II, internal diseases and patient care, surgical diseases and patient care.

Learning outcomes


1.Gain a basic understanding of the primary, secondary and tertiary level of surgical and internal medicine in patient care.


1.Improved theoretical and practical skills that are necessary for surgical and iekšīgo disease patient care planning and conduct of all age groups for both clinic patients and other health care facilities. Take a self-care plan for an individual patient and take care in accordance with the priorities set.


1.The ability to use and evaluate appropriate clinical care procedures and other actions – in therapeutic, surgical patient care.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Nursing Studies4BachelorRequiredEva Cela, Inita Stūre-Stūriņa, Inese Paiča
Nursing Studies4BachelorRequiredEva Cela, Inita Stūre-Stūriņa, Inese Paiča