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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3.33 / 5
Course supervisor:Lelde Metla-Rozentāle
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Political Science; Communication Science
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Communication Sciences; Library Science


To create an understanding of the fundamental issues of politics - the state, its structure, governance models, political parties, elections, etc., as well as to provide insight into the significance of communication in the political environment - about the essence of political marketing, principles, and the methods of developing and managing strategies and tactics for political campaigns. Throughout the course, students will conduct practical analyses of political parties and their campaigns, and, based on the conclusions drawn from the research, they will develop an alternative proposal for a political party and campaign.


Understanding how to effectively communicate with various target audiences, which includes knowledge of using mass media, social media, and other communication channels to build and maintain a positive political image and promote political messages.
The ability to analyze and critically evaluate the effectiveness of political parties and their campaigns using various analytical tools and methods, and to perform market segmentation and target audience analysis to develop effective campaign strategies.
Skills in producing high-quality written and visual materials, with the ability to clearly and convincingly present one's arguments being important.
The course format includes group projects, during which students must be able to effectively collaborate to develop political campaign plans and strategies.
The ability to self-discipline and plan one's time is necessary.

Learning outcomes


Basic knowledge in politics, as well as advanced knowledge of political communication, political marketing, and political campaigns.


Skills in developing strategic and organizational plans for political party marketing campaigns.


Competence in analyzing the image and campaigns of political parties and critically evaluating these processes.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
International Business and Sustainable Economy, SBIE3Bachelor’sLimited choiceLelde Metla-Rozentāle, Romāns Gagunovs
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