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About Study Course

Department: Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
Credit points / ECTS:2.67 / 4
Course supervisor:Inta Bula-Biteniece
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Pedagogy; Sports Trainer
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Sports Science


To use knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, the objectives, tasks in the field of Health and Physical Activity of the physical exercises, health promoting exercises and safety promoting exercises included in pre-school guidelines evaluating them in a targeted, critical manner and adapting to the requirements of the specific environment. Application of didactic principles of alternative pedagogies by promoting individual approaches and the implementation of transversal skills in sports classes.


Study courses mastered: Educational Psychology for Teachers, Teacher’s Professional Skills, Social-Emotional Learning, Legal Aspects of Pedagogical Process, Management of Educational Institution, Theory of Sport, Innovative Information Communication Technologies and Methods in Sport Pedagogy, Biomechanics and Ergonomics, General and Physical Activity Biochemistry, Quantitative Research in Sport and Health Education, Nutrition, General and Age-Specific Physiology, Physiology of Physical Activities, Human Anatomy and Dynamic Anatomy, Environmental Health, Health Promoting Physical Activities, Foundations and Methodology of Basketball, Foundations and Methodology of Volleyball, Foundations and Methodology of Football, Foundations and Methodology of Floorball, Foundations and Methodology of Handball, Foundations and Methodology of Track and Field Exercises, Foundations and Methodology of Swimming, Outdoor and Adventure Activities I, II, III, Foundations and Methodology of Self-Defence, Foundations and Methodology of Track and Field, Rhythmics and Rhythmic Combinations, History of Sport, Philosophy of Sport, Sport in Multicultural Environment and Olympic Education, Project Development, Sport Medicine, Professional Communication and Terminology I (English, German, Russian), Professional Communication and Terminology II (English, German, Russian), Professional Ethics, Teacher’s Placement I, II. 

Learning outcomes


1. Assesses, selects, critically analyses and describes information on the pedagogical process in pre-school.
2. Understands the use of theoretical relationships in research.
3. Expresses, explains and analyses ideas in problem situations, formulates a context-based and structured assumption.


4. Independently structures and forwards personal professional improvement in pre-school sports education.
5. Able to think critically and make decisions, find creative solutions in the process of implementing physical activity in pre-school.
6. Assesses and recommends physical activity content and assessment options for sports teachers and parents.
7. Identifies real needs of pre-school children and describes the nature of the problem – recognises and articulates the problem in a context characterised by interdependent dimensions, aspects, causal links.


8. Implements the promotion of transversal skills in sports classes and at sporting events.
9. Able to identify in sports classes security hazards and risks in different environments and situations, take preventive safety measures, choosing the most appropriate problem-solving strategies.
10. Creates, plans and implements a physical activity event setting specific objectives, tasks, content, organisational diversity, development of collaborative skills, diverse techniques for learning feedback.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Health, physical activity and security (sports and health teacher), VMSNz 4Bachelor’sLimited choice
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASNz 4Bachelor’sLimited choice
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Health, physical activity and security (sports and health teacher), VMSN 4Bachelor’sLimited choiceInta Bula-Biteniece
Health, physical activity and security (sports and health teacher), VMS 4Bachelor’sLimited choiceInta Bula-Biteniece
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VAS 4Bachelor’sLimited choiceInta Bula-Biteniece
Health, physical activity and security (sports, health and national defense teacher), VASN 4Bachelor’sLimited choiceInta Bula-Biteniece