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About Study Course

Department: Department of Nursing and Obstetric Care
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Dagnija Brutāne
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Nursing Science
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Health Care


To give students necessary knowledge and practical skills about patient care in primary healthcare level, the meaning of patient education and disease prevention measures, also health promotion and public health measures.


Anatomy and physiology, pathological physiology, clinical pharmacology and drug treatment, transcultural patient care, general care, internal diseases and propaedeutics.

Learning outcomes


Student will know how to explain the concept and principles of primary healthcare; describe primary healthcare organisation in Latvia; define the basic tasks of a primary healthcare nurse; describe the principles of primary healthcare level patient care at doctor’s practice and/or patients/clients home; to explain the concept of profilactics and name profilactic measures; describe the basic principles of medical and social rehabilitation; explain health promotion concept and principles of it; define the tasks of primary healthcare nurse in promoting health and patient/client and their relative education in health preservation, promotion and care questions; define professional ethics principles, principles of therapeutic communication, patient rights; define principles for maintaining public health; explain the role of the nurse in secondary and tertiary care.


Student will be able to plan, carry out and to evaluate all age group patient care in primary healthcare doctor's practice and/or patient's/client's home; to apply pacient care principles at care work in primary healthcare doctor's practice and/or patient's/client's home; to plan, organise and realise profilactic measures work in primary healthcare doctor's practice and/or patient's/client's home; to plan, organise and realise vaccination; to educate patient/client and their relatives about health preservation, promotion and in healthcare questions; to apply medical and social rehabilitation methods in care work; to make and provide therapeutical communication with patients/clients and their relatives, considering psychological, social and biological factors, to apply professional ethics principles and patient right principles.


By using the given knowledge student will be able to describe the basic principles of primary healthcare organisation; to substantiate and evaluate the basic tasks of primary healthcare nurse; to asses patient's/client's health condition; to identify patient's/client's needs and to formulate patient's/client's current care problems, to predict potential care problems; to identify health risk factors for patient/client in primary healthcare level; to plan profilactic measures; to develop health promotion programmes for educating patient/client and his relatives in questions of preserving, promoting health and care; to formulate the basic tasks and methods of medical and social rehabilitation, their interrelationship; to analyse the basic principles of professional ethics; to formulate principles of patients rights; to evaluate and analyse various communication situations.

Study course planning

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