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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Ieva Rugina
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Rehabilitation; Medical Services
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Psychiatry


To develop clinical thinking before clinic studies in clinical placement. Understand and use conceptual models in psychiatry practice, raise awareness about the theoretical knowledge integration in occupational therapy process and activities dysfunction in patients/clients with mental health problems. Understand, analyse and apply the acquired knowledge and skills.


Knowledge of the conceptual models of practice, knowledge of psychiatry, pharmacology, creative activities, psychology and ethics.

Learning outcomes


A student will be able to describe the most frequent mental health problems, select and analyse appropriate conceptual practice models to define the role of the occupational therapist and tactics in psychiatric rehabilitation for persons with mental health problems, explain and justify using a standardised instruments as assessment tools, identify occupational performance dysfunctions, explain and justify the treatment plans and treatment methods.


A student will be able to use professional terminology, adhere to ethical aspects of communication, the use of appropriate conceptual practice models and therapeutic approaches to assess and analyse the activity dysfunction, demonstrate practical skills of the patient/client evaluation of the use of observation methods and standardized tools to justify treatment plan, critically evaluate and justify choice of therapy methods, to show therapy plan implementation, using a variety of methods to assess the effectiveness of treatment, to document the treatment process, to critically analyse literature.


Using the acquired knowledge and skills a student will be able to identify occupation disfunction for clients/patients with mental health problems, to formulate activity dysfunction, analyse and interpret the information, to develop and apply effective evidence-based assessment and treatment.

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