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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Ļubova Renemane
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Rehabilitation
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Psychiatry


Mental health care system in Latvia. Basic knowledge on the aetiology, pathogenesis and clinical symptoms of main mental illnesses – organic mental disorders, schizophrenia, substance use, affective, neurotic, physiological, personality disorders, mental retardation, child mental health problems. Pharmacological treatment options and application of ergotherapy in aforementioned conditions.


• Psychology, developmental and medical psychology;
• Neurology (disorders of central and peripheral nervous system, extrapyramidal syndromes);
• Ethics in medicine (specific ethical issues in psychiatry).

Learning outcomes


About epidemiology, aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostics and course (according to ICD-10) of mental and behavioural disorders; mental health promotion, mental and behavioural disorders and suicide prevention.


How to recognise and evaluate core symptoms of mental and behavioural disorders; to differentiate normal and pathological reactions in every-day life situations, to evaluate the possibility of self-harm to perform an interview, showing empathy, and to comprehend importance of therapeutic relationships in psychiatry; to plan mental health promotion and mental and behavioural disorders' prevention activities, how to distribute a competence between different professionals to communicate and collaborate with mentally ill people choosing appropriate type of ergotherapy and to lead classes of ergotherapy.


To obtain psychiatric status, to definite decision about psychiatric help distributions of competence between different physicians, to explain and apply principles of confidentiality and informed consent in psychiatry; to show understanding and empathy towards patients with psychiatric disorders.

Study course planning

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