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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Velga Sudraba
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Nursing Science; Midwifery
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Health Care


To develop students' understanding based on the discoveries of psychology and medical sciences and to get an idea of ​​the interaction of mental and somatic processes; to develop knowledge about psychosomatic processes and their impact on different human organ systems, to develop skills and competence to evaluate history data of patients' life and disease, as well as medical history data in case of psychosomatic disorders and diseases.


Interpersonal communication in health care, functional and pathological physiology, internal and surgical diseases.

Learning outcomes


The student explains the most important theoretical concepts of psychosomatic medicine; recognizes and theoretically explains the role of defense mechanisms in the process of development disorders and diseases; describes modern views on the origin of mental and psychosomatic disorders; recognizes the symptoms and disorders caused by the interaction of mental and somatic processes; describes and evaluates the patient's development in accordance with the principles of psychosomatic medicine; recognizes and analyzes the psycho dynamic processes of disorders and diseases of various organ systems.


The student evaluates the interaction of mental and somatic factors in case studies; explains the role of personality and family factors in the origin and development of psychosomatic diseases; collects the patient's life and medical history; evaluates the interaction of the patient's mental and somatic factors in the case of various psychosomatic diseases; evaluates possible difficulties / problems in care process.


The student, due to acquired knowledge, analyzes the patients' psychosomatic illness or disorders from a psychodynamic point of view; logically formulates and interprets the obtained data, describing the patient's case.

Study course planning

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