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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Tatjana Muravska
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Political Science
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Governance and Administration; Political science


This course aims at deepening students’ knowledge of the EU competences in regional policy and EU approach to the social dimension and competences of Member States in social policy.
The task of the course is to offer insight into the concept of regional and cohesion development and social models in the EU. The regulatory environment and implementation of the Cohesion policy will be studied. Attention will be given to labour market policies and models as well as and public health models.
Special attention will be given to students’ discussions and debates.


European economic integration.

Learning outcomes


1.Students will gain awareness about EU regional and social policies, their social, economic, legal and regulatory aspects; knowledge about facts, concepts and theories that support understanding of the course subject, as well as dynamics that shape EU regionalism and social trends in the EU and its Member States.


1.Students will acquire skills to: • assess and explain socio-economic events and their development in EU regional and social policy areas; • analyse EU regional policy using a variety of analysis methods; • make suggestions for the necessary improvements to EU social including public health policy.


1.Students are able to perform independent, critical analysis, apply economic methods in the planning and implementation of the EU Regional Policy and Social Policy, perform the assessment of economic parameters of regional and social systems.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
International Relations and Diplomacy3Master'sLimited choice
International Governance and Diplomacy3Master'sLimited choice