Regional Studies (ethnography) Caucasus (KSK_231)
About Study Course
To introduce students to the culture and history of the Caucasus region, paying attention to the common and distinct features in the numerous ethnic groups and communities of the region; as well as to introduce students to the most important directions in the anthropological study of the region.
General social science/humanities education at the Bachelor's level.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge about the most important aspects of the socio-anthropological study of the Caucasus region; knowledge about significant historical, social and political process in the Caucasus.
As a result of learning the study course, students acquire the ability to use anthropological theories for conducting regional research, and the ability to argue their point of view in essays and seminars.
Ability to assess the studied material critically, apply the knowledge gained in the class to the interpretation and analysis of other materials, apply to the knowledge gained in the class in own research.