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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Jeļena Ļubenko
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Psychology
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Psychology; General Psychology


To promote students’ ability to do scientific research, to provide them with knowledge which would be sufficient in order to: understand the different phases of research in psychology; to gather, summarise and analyse publications about a certain topic; create an independent research project in psychology according to regulations and to defend it.


Introduction into professional field, general psychology, basics of statistics.

Learning outcomes


Uses research terminology; explains the differences between the qualitative and quantitative research strategy and the various design studies; describes the methods of data acquisition and analysis.


Identifies topical problems of research in psychology; selects, analyses, compares and critically evaluates published research in psychology; analyses the strengths of research.


Makes a project of the potential research, justifies the topicality of the research, problem, formulates the goal, research question/hypothesis, creates a targeted literature review, chooses suitable data acquisition and analysis methods, integrates ethical requirements into own project; critically assesses the feasibility and constraints of the research project; presents and defends the research project.

Study course planning

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