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About Study Course

Department: Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Lolita Vija Neimane
Study type:Full time
Target audience:Public Health
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Public Health

Learning outcomes


1. Explains the links between health promotion, different forms of prevention, quality of life, inequality, individual and social factors influencing the burden of disease, nutrition habits and the impact on modern public health.
2. Understands the science-based methodological possibilities used in epidemiology in public health assessment.
3. Understands theories and research for the improvement and development of public health, identifies the possibilities of scientific research methodology used in nutrition.


1. Independently applies the principles of critical reading (thinking), draws conclusions about the causes, consequences and impact of public health problems on the health of the population.
2. Analyze, explain and discuss systemic aspects of the public health and nutrition in professional audiences and beyond.
3. Carries out independent research activity, performing all stages of the research, interprets possible choices and shifts in epidemiological research designs.


1. Decides independently on the most appropriate type of epidemiological research to analyze, conclude and propose innovative solutions in the field of nutrition and the improvement of public health.
2. Arguments for the set of measures necessary for the application of nutritional knowledge in the promotion of public health.
3. Interpret summaries of scientific literature in the field of epidemiology and nutrition science, using the principles of critical reading in the analysis of scientific art

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Nutrition Science, UM1Master’sRequired