Student Media II (KF_004)
About Study Course
Student media operates as a laboratory where students practice developing of qualitative media materials. During the study course students learn how to develop a story from ideas, plan gathering of materials, process it, work with text, photography and sound and prepare work until its publishing stage.
Completed course Introduction to the Studies and Speciality.
Learning outcomes
Students are familiar with the following topics and are able to apply them practically:
• story in the Internet environment, storytelling;
• photo – basic principles, quality elements in photography, creating a photo story;
• social media, image building and community;
• data visualization – tools and formats;
• sound – audio recording, voice, technique, assembly;
• language, text – writing text for the Internet, typography, text layout, language use;
• video – composition, camera angles, camera movement, montage, interview;
• multimedia story platforms – their possibilities and disadvantages.
In the course of the course, students practically create a multimedia human interest story, using the examined forms - photo, audio, video, infographics - and post it on one of the Internet platforms suitable for the story.
Ability to deconstruct and analyze a multimedia story in a proffesional way.