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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Toms Pulmanis
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Nursing Science
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Public Health


To provide insight in the basic aspects of Public Health and Epidemiology, which are necessary for the evaluation of health information and for evidence-based practice of Public health in the framework of Nursing. To introduce students with basic principles of scientific methodology and the use of principles in the research of public health problems; to introduce with the organization, execution and evaluation stages of scientific work; to read, select and structure scientific literature and prepare literature review about specific topic in the area of public health and healthcare; to develop and promote evidence-based, systematic and analytical thinking process for problem-solving in the area of public health and healthcare.


The basics of normal and pathological physiology, Introduction to Psychology and Sociology, Introduction to Evidence-Based Care.

Learning outcomes


Will define health, Public Health, disease prevention and health promotion concepts, approaches and challenges. Will recognize the basic designs of epidemiologic studies and basic epidemiological measures. Will describe the stages of research work; differentiate between scientific publications and popular sources of information; recognize sources of information that are based on the principles of scientific methodology; know the databases for the searching of scientific publications; describe information according to selected research question and technical requirements.


Will be able to interpret, and use correctly health, Public Health, disease prevention and health promotion conceptual approaches, use basic measures in epidemiology and distinguish study designs. Will be able to propose and define the aim and the tasks of research project according to research question; to select scientific literature according to research question; to integrate information from different data sources into specific literature review about selected research problem.


Will be able to discuss public health issues and potential solutions, to evaluate the appropriateness of data sources and indicators to ascertain public health problem/-s, to evaluate the appropriateness of study design to answer research question. Will be able to independently formulate research question and topic; to obtain, select and analyze information of public health research according to principles of scientific methodology.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Nursing Studies, MZF4Bachelor’sRequired
Nursing Studies, LFMZFb4Bachelor’sRequired