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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:1 / 1.5
Course supervisor:Irina Dolgova
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Person and Property Defence
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Law; Theory and History of Rights


Develop students’ understanding of the state, its origin, social, legal and political structure, of the principles and the role of the rule of law.

Tasks: Theory of state framework for juridical sciences. The object and the subject matter of the theory of state. Principles and methods for research of the state.


Not necessary.

Learning outcomes


Understand the basic institutions of the theory of state, the prerequisites for the emergence and development of the state.


Able to assess the principles of a legal state, implementation of these principles and their impact on the development of the state. Able to increase own knowledge of the theory of state.


During the study course students broaden their knowledge of the field of law, develop their skills in analysis and reasoning.

Study course planning

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