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About Study Course

Department: Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
Credit points / ECTS:1.33 / 2
Course supervisor:Baiba Smila
Study type:Part time, Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Sports Trainer
Branch of science:Sports Science


To provide the opportunity to students to learn in depth the didactics of teaching in sports science of theoretical and practical foundations of basic tourism skills, outdoor life and orienteering skills in pre-school and school.


Knowledge is required in general pedagogy, general and developmental psychology; age-specific physiology, foundations and didactics of tourism and orienteering; pre-school and school sports didactics, games in pre-school and school; classroom arrangement and projects at school.

Learning outcomes


Successful completion of the study course will enable the student to acquire knowledge, acquire skills and competences in basics of tourism, outdoor life skills and orienteering; interpret them and demonstrate them in pre-school and school in the field of Sports and Health.

1. Understanding of the benefits of basic tourism skills, outdoor life and orienteering skills in safety, physical fitness and health promotion of the “Adventure Activities” module of the “Health and Physical Activity” study area;
2. Analytically formulates the nature, terminology of outdoor life skills and basic tourism skills and orienteering;
3. Understanding of the inclusion of tourism, outdoor life skills and orienteering in sports lessons and learning outcomes for the specific age.


1. Able to independently choose the means and didactic techniques for a particular age, considering safety, physical fitness and outdoor environment conditions.
2. To prepare visual aids and handouts (diagrams, maps, exercises) for teaching the foundations and orienteering of outdoor life skills and tourism at school.
3. To plan and manage outdoor life and tourism sports lessons and activities (games, obstacle courses, cooperation tasks and exercises), taking into account safety and in accordance with students’ fitness and materials available to schools for technical supplies and outdoor environmental resources;
4. To plan orientation distances and content, to manage the content of the class in accordance with students’ fitness and materials available to schools for technical supplies and outdoor resources;
5. Able to apply different teaching methods, forms and technologies creatively and innovatively.


1. To use the acquired knowledge and skills to the teaching and development of tourism, outdoor life skills and orienteering by planning an interdisciplinary and individualised study process;
2. To analyse and evaluate the pedagogical aids, methods and techniques applied in relation to students’ capacity and educational goals;
3. To assume responsibility for the safety of outdoor classes and events;
4. To provide feedback on the assessment of students and their activities;
5. To introduce innovations and technologies in the study process;
6. To creatively choose study aids by integrating areas, transversal skills and values of other subjects.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Sports science, SpZNn 7Bachelor’sLimited choiceDaina Krauksta, Baiba Smila
Sports science, SpZ 7Bachelor’sLimited choiceDaina Krauksta, Baiba Smila
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Sports science, SpZNn 8Bachelor’sLimited choice