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About Study Course

Department: Department of Sports and Nutrition
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Gundega Immere
Target audience:Sports Trainer
Branch of science:Sports Science


To be able to apply various types of comprehensive physical activities for children and young people, according to the characteristics of age stages.


Anatomy, physiology, general pedagogy, sports didactics, basics of sports training theory, sports terminology.

Learning outcomes


Students describe the relevance of children's and youth sports classes today, the content, organization and realization of classes, the development of fitness methods and the possibilities of use in children's and youth sports classes.


Logically structures the structure of the lesson: introduction, main, final parts, goals and tasks of the lesson. Skillfully chooses and uses equipment, integrates movement games, relays, elements of sports games and other creative activities in lessons.


Demonstrates a creative approach in the implementation of various sports classes for children and youth, develops physical characteristics using various methods and forms of organization. Independently chooses a creative approach appropriate to the goal, applies the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills to competently integrate various fitness methods in children's and youth sports lessons.