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On 22 and 23 March 2018 Rīga Stradiņš University hosted the annual RSU Scientific Conference. While the majority of abstracts are in Latvian (full list is available in Latvian), this page contains a selection of the ones in English, grouped by section (topic).

Section I: Infectious Diseases & Immunology
Section II: Nuclear Medicine, Radiology & Advanced Visualisation Methods
Section III: Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Bioengineering & Dental Medicine
Section IV: Maternal and Child Health
Section V: Neuroscience & Human Brain Disease Research
Section VI: Anaesthesiology & Reanimatology, Emergency Conditions & Military Medicine
Section VII: Oncology
Section VIII: Health Care Science & Public Health
Section IX: Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Structural Biology & Pathology
Section X: Occupational & Environmental Health, Occupational Diseases & Pharmacy
Section XI: Rehabilitation & Ageing Population, Nutritional Science & Sports Medicine
Section XII: Chronic Diseases, Therapy Algorithms & New Treatment Methods
Section XIII: Social Sciences
Section XIV: Humanities

Microbiological contamination and microbial resistance in Rīga and nearby hospitals (Angelika Krūmiņa, Sniedze Laivacuma, Marina Bogdanova, Svetlana Makarova, Ludmila Vīksna, Indra Zeltiņa)

Detection of high-risk human papillomaviruses type frequency and viral load in Latvian patients with laryngeal / oropharyngeal cancer (Lība Sokolovska, Maksims Čistjakovs, Alīna Sultanova, Andrejs Lifšics, Svetlana Čapenko, Modra Murovska)

Incidence and clinical manifestations of acute rheumatic fever from 1995 to 2016 in Latvia (Marina Višņevska, Valda Staņēviča)

Allele Genotyping of Arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 Gene in Latvian Population: Comparison of Two Methods (Viktorija Igumnova, Lauma Veidemane, Ilva Pole, Anda Vīksna, Dace Bandere, Renāte Ranka)

Optical, non-invasive diagnostic imaging methods (Marta Laņģe, Uldis Rubīns, Alexey Lihachev, Dmitrijs Bļizņuks)

Alcohol dependence syndrome and psychiatric comorbidities in patients with acute symptomatic seizures (Evija Gūtmane, Inga Žīgure, Linda Kande, Normunds Sūna)

Optimisation of pharmacological therapy in epilepsy (Inga Žīgure, Evija Gūtmane, Linda Kande, Normunds Sūna)

Mortality and morbidity in surgically treated patients with acute Stanford type A aortic dissection: analysis of preoperative and intraoperative factors (Gvido Jānis Bergs, Uldis Strazdiņš, Mārtiņš Kalējs, Pēteris Stradiņš)

The association of increased plasma fibrinogen concentration due to polymorphism in FGG gene with free flap thrombosis in microvascular surgery (Karina Drizlionoka-Gorovenko, Jevgeņijs Stepanovs, Agnese Ozoliņa, Liene Ņikitina-Zaķe, Biruta Mamaja)

Videolaryngoscopic Intubation in Patients with Difficult Airway Risk Factors (Sigita Kazūne, Antons Zakalkins)

Asessment of acute pain after Caesarean delivery (Edgars Vasiļevskis, Agnese Ozoliņa, Indulis Vanags)

Administration of pregabalin for shoulder arthroscopy (Vita Biltauere, Elīna Zvaigzne, Jeļena Dukāte, Mārtiņš Bērziņš, Agnese Ozoliņa)

Prone position, intraoperative cerebral oxygenation monitoring and postoperative cognitive dysfunction (Sniedze Mūrniece, Indulis Vanags, Biruta Mamaja)

Analysis of main risk factors for free flap thrombosis and influence of anticoagulation on thrombosis rate (Jevgeņijs Stepanovs, Karina Drizlionoka-Gorovenko, Maksims Mukāns, Agnese Ozoliņa, Liene Ņikitina-Zaķe, Indulis Vanags, Biruta Mamaja)

Acute Postoperative Pain in Patients Undergoing Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (Iveta Golubovska, Melody-Niki Shokouhi, Aleksejs Miščuks, Sergejs Zadorožnijs)

Oral reconstruction with free lateral arm flap for patients with advanced stage oral cancer (Kalvis Pastars, Jānis Zariņš, Anna Ivanova, Juris Tārs, Andrejs Skaģers)

The role of HPV E6/E7 oncoproteins in early diagnostic of cervical precancerous lesions (Irina Jermakova, Dace Rezeberga, Inta Liepniece-Karele, Jana Žodžika, Olga Plisko, Māra Pilmane, Juta Kroiča)

Role of actin and sonic hedgehog signaling pathway expression in primary and recurrent basal cell carcinoma (Jeļena Moisejenko-Goluboviča, Anna Ivanova, Valērija Groma, Oļegs Volkovs, Kristīne Zabludovska)

Thyroid gland cancer with distant metastases – national data (Irīna Liepiņa, Antra Bērziņa, Artūrs Ozoliņš, Zenons Narbuts, Jānis Gardovskis)

Initial experience with 68Ga-PSMA ligand PET/CT in prostate cancer (Arvis Freimanis, Vilnis Lietuvietis, Egils Vjaters, Lilita Roznere, Marika Kalniņa, Vitālijs Skrīvelis, Māra Tirāne, Liene Zemniece, Maija Radziņa)

Exosomal biomarker expression in prostate cancer and benign hyperplasia (Kristofs Folkmanis, Jānis Eglītis, Sergejs Isajevs, Valdis Folkmanis)

Transarterial Chemoembolisation for Inoperable Hepatocellular Carcinoma – a Single Center 6-year Experience (Edgars Maļcevs, Artūrs Ozoliņš, Andris Veiss, Jānis Vilmanis, Jānis Šavlovskis, Jānis Gardovskis)

Health information or advertising? Disease awareness campaigns in Latvia (Ieva Salmane-Kuļikovska, Elita Poplavska, Līga Andersone, Signe Mežinska, Teresa Isabel Meneses Leonardo Alves)

Possibility of Development of Recurrence of Stable Coronary Heart Disease in Presence of Such Risk Factors as Depression and Oxidative Stress (Tarass Ivaščenko, Vladimirs Voicehovskis, Jūlija Voicehovska, Andrejs Šķesters, Oskars Kalējs, Ketija Āpsīte, Jūlija Grigorjeva)

Effect of Plants Proanthocyanidins Rich Extracts on Salivary Amylase Activity in Vitro Conditions (Jeļena Krasiļņikova, Sarmīte Janceva, Gaļina Teliševa, Tatjana Dižbite)

Survival analysis of patients with diffuse gliomas in Latvia (Arvīds Jakovļevs, Andrejs Vanags, Jānis Gardovskis, Ilze Štrumfa)

Prognostic role of cd44 expression in diffuse gliomas (Arvīds Jakovļevs, Andrejs Vanags, Jānis Gardovskis, Ilze Štrumfa)

Differentiating Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma: Doublet of Immunohistochemistry for Safety (Agita Jukna, Ilze Štrumfa, Andrejs Vanags, Jānis Gardovskis)

Diagnostic value of cytokeratin expression profile in primary non-small cell lung carcinomas (Agita Jukna, Ilze Štrumfa, Andrejs Vanags, Jānis Gardovskis)

Inflammatory activity in liver metastases of modified breast carcinoma (Džeina Mežale, Ilze Štrumfa, Andrejs Vanags, Jekaterina Pankova, Maria Issagouliantis)

Burden of Liver Metastases by Gene Expression and Immune Response in Experimental Model of Breast Carcinoma (Džeina Mežale, Ilze Štrumfa, Andrejs Vanags, Jekaterina Pankova, Maria Issagouliantis)

Colistin concomitant use with other potential nephrotoxic drugs in Intensive Care Units (Aleksandra Aitullina, Angelika Krūmiņa, Santa Purviņa)

Development of HPLC method for determination of Colistimethate sodium (Dmitrijs Kustovs, Dace Bandere, Santa Purviņa, Pāvels Sudmalis)

Comparison of Eating Disoders among Professional Ballet School Dancers and Ordinary School Students, and Interconnection with % Body Fat and Energy Intake (Līga Kalniņa, Guntars Selga, Melita Sauka, Aija Randoha, Eva Krasovska, Viesturs Lāriņš)

Nursing Assistant Engagement in Early Rehabilitation for Critically Ill Patients (Jevgēnijs Šusts, Līva Jasote, Inese Kokare, Ilze Hāznere, Dace Pampava, Marita Vītiņa)

Management of pyogenic liver abscesses in single hospital over 5-year period (Lineta Lukjanova, Artūrs Ozoliņš, Jānis Vilmanis, Raimo Stucka, Māra Tirāne, Pēteris Priedītis, Jānis Gardovskis)

Medical Terminology and Linguistics

What makes it difficult to translate English medical terms? (Olga Voika)

History of Medicine

Development of knowledge in anatomy and progress of fine arts (Andrey Akopov, Viktoria Gavrilina)

Konferences tēŽU GRĀMATA