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Introduction to Clinical Medicine

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:9.00
Study Course Accepted:11.04.2024 08:33:18
Study Course Information
Course Code:ISK_199LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Internal MedicineTarget Audience:Medicine
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Valdis Ģībietis
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Internal Diseases
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 2 Hipokrata Street, iskatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67042338
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)1Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures2
Classes (count)10Class Length (academic hours)3Total Contact Hours of Classes30
Total Contact Hours32
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Student has attended at least 5 Medical Communication classes before starting current course. Normal anatomy, histology, normal physiology, biochemistry and principles of medical physics, biology and basics of genetics. Normal hematopoesis. Normal blood counts. Normal blood coagulation/hemostasis.
Introduction to Clinical Medicine: 1. Instruct students on medical history documentation – chief complaint, history of present illness, past medical history. 2. Develop bedside physical examination skills according to the clinical case – the interview, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation. 3. Teach the ways of combining patient subjective experience in an illness with the data from physical examination and come to a possible diagnosis. Hematology: 1. Learn about hematological patients examination methods. Learn to recognise and define changes in red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. 2. Learn to define anemia, recognise symptoms and signs of anemia. Learn laboratory diagnostic of anemia, laboratory classification of anemia. 3. Learn types of bleeding disorders, symptoms and signs, laboratory diagnostic methods.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Introduction to clinical medicine. From symptom to syndrome.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
2General medical examination. Basic clinical skills.Classes1.00clinical base
3Extremities: peripheral vascular system and lymph nodes.Classes1.00clinical base
4Thorax and the lungs. Hands-on examination.Classes1.00clinical base
5Clinical cases with pulmonary function tests.Classes1.00clinical base
6Upper abdominal examination: hands-on at the RUQ and LUQ.Classes1.00clinical base
7Clinical Reasoning and Instrumental ExaminationsClasses1.00clinical base
8Assessment of the patient. Group work.Classes1.00clinical base
9Symptoms and signs of hematological diseases. Examination methods of hematological patients. Changes in blood counts.Classes1.00clinical base
10Symptoms and signs of anemia. Laboratory diagnostic and laboratory clasification of anemia.Classes1.00clinical base
11Types of bleeding disorders. Symptoms and signs of bleeding disorders. Laboratory analyses for bleeding disorders.Classes1.00clinical base
Unaided Work:
Students independently familiarize themselves with the requirements in each lesson and learn clinical manipulations from a source understandable to the student (at their own discretion). Students individually search for and learn the most up-to-date information about the methods of physical examination of patients from materials recommended by the department or other sources. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
Introduction to Clinical Medicine: 1. Successfully completed a test for each videolecture – 30% of total grade; 2. Physical examination technique demonstration at bedside/simulator – 70% of total grade. Haematology cycle: 1. Tests during the lessons; 2. Situation tasks during the lessons; 3. Written examination (test questions, at least 75% are correct).
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:On course completion, the students will know how to: • structurally interview and record patient medical history; • perform clinical examination according to presented disease/condition; • objectivize pacient's subjective experience with a condition; • explain terminology used in the clinical setting.
Skills:Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: • communicate with patients, their relatives, colleagues, other persons involved in the process of health care; • specify the complaints, medical history, structurally interviewing and recording history data; • perform components of physical examination – inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation; • interpret lung functional testing – spirometry.
Competencies:1. Evaluate symptoms, reveal interconnections between pathologies. 2. Analyse situations, substantiate, logically formulate and explain their opinion. 3. Evaluate lung functional examination data, relate it to the certain clinical case. 4. Evaluate blood test results, recognise main hematology disorders, attribute to a specific clinical case and general examination data.
Clinical Skills:
1Anterior and lateral comparative percussion of lungsA - Beginner level
2Anterior and lateral fremitus pectoralisA - Beginner level
3Auscultation of lungsA - Beginner level
4Demonstration of murphy's symptomA - Beginner level
5Detection of ascitesA - Beginner level
6Detection of gallbladder projection siteA - Beginner level
7Examination of muscle-induced rigidity of the abdominal wallA - Beginner level
8Liver percussionA - Beginner level
9Measurement of arterial pulseA - Beginner level
10Measurement of the arterial pressureA - Beginner level
11Measurement of the radial pulse tensionA - Beginner level
12Palpation of the abdominal surfaceA - Beginner level
13Palpation of the liverA - Beginner level
14Percussion of the kidneysA - Beginner level
15Pleural and intercostal painsA - Beginner level
16Posterior fremitus pectoralisA - Beginner level
17Posterior lungs comparative percussionA - Beginner level
Required Reading
1Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking / Lynn S. Bickley, Peter G. Szilagyi. 2017
2The Merck Manual of Patient Symptoms: A Concise, Practical Guide to Etiology, Evaluation, and Treatment 1st edition. 2008. (akceptējams izdevums)
3Hutchison’s clinical methods: an integrated approach to clinical practice. 2017.
4Macleod’s clinical examination / edited by Graham Douglas, Fiona Nicol, Colin Robertson ; illustrated by Robert Britton, Ethan Danielson. 2018.
5Klīniskā hematoloģija / Sandra Lejniece. 2020
6Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students:
7Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking / Lynn S. Bickley, Peter G. Szilagyi. 2017
8The Merck Manual of Patient Symptoms: A Concise, Practical Guide to Etiology, Evaluation, and Treatment 1st edition. 2008. (akceptējams izdevums)
9Macleod’s clinical examination / edited by Graham Douglas, Fiona Nicol, Colin Robertson ; illustrated by Robert Britton, Ethan Danielson. 2018.
Additional Reading
1Propedeitika. G.Orļikova un Pičkura redakcijā. RSU, 2014.
2Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology. Oxford University Press, 2015.
3Wintrobe’s Atlas of Clinical Hematology. Douglas C. Tkachuk, Jan Hirschmann. Lippincott Williams& Wilkins, 2017.
4Disorders of Iron Homeostasis, Erythrocytes, Erythropoiesis. Handbook. European School of Haematology, 2006.
5Scott H. Goodnight, William E. Hathaway. Disorders of Hemostasis and Thrombosis. A Clinical Guide. The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2001, p.1-314.
6Williams Manual of Hematology. Sixth edition, McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division, 2003.
7Bleeding Disorders by D.Green, C.A.Ludlam. Health Press, 2006
8Marshall A.Lichtman, Ernest Beutler, Thomas J.Kipps, Uri Seligsohn, Kenneth Kaushansky, Josef T. Prchal. Williams Hematology. 7th edition. 2021.
9S.M. Lewis, B.J. Bain, I. Bates. Dacie and Lewis Practical Haematology. Churchill Livingstone, 2017
10Hoffman A.V., Moss P.A.H. Essential Haematology. 6th edition. Wuiley- Blackwell, 2020.
11Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students:
12Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology. Oxford University Press, 2015
13Wintrobe’s Atlas of Clinical Hematology. Douglas C. Tkachuk, Jan Hirschmann. Lippincott Williams& Wilkins, 2017.
14Disorders of Iron Homeostasis, Erythrocytes, Erythropoiesis. Handbook. European School of Haematology, 2006.