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General and Geriatric Physiology

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:1.00
Study Course Accepted:12.06.2024 17:18:26
Study Course Information
Course Code:LSPA_147LQF level:Level 5
Credit Points:4.00ECTS:6.00
Branch of Science:Sports ScienceTarget Audience:Sports Trainer
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Kalvis Ciekurs
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:LSPA, Brīvības gatve 333, Riga, LV-1006
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)7Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures14
Classes (count)10Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes20
Total Contact Hours34
Full-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)8Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures16
Classes (count)11Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes22
Total Contact Hours38
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Study courses mastered: Teacher’s Professional Skills, Teaching and Learning in the Context of Diversity, Educational Psychology for Teachers, Human Anatomy, Pedagogical Foundations in Adapted Physical Activities, Student-Centred Approach in Adapted Physical Activities, Assessment Methods in Adapted Physical Activities, Content of Adapted Physical Activity Programmes and/or Adapted Physical Activities for Students with Mental Development Disorders, APA for Students with Sensory Development Disorders, APA for Students with Behavioural, Learning Disorders and Autism.
To obtain basic knowledge about morphological and physiological changes in a growing body and when ageing, about sensitive periods of development of physical properties. 
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Growth and development regularities, influencing factors. Morphological changes in the body at different ages. Physiological characteristics of children of newborn, infant, early childhood age.Lectures5.00auditorium
2Physiological characteristics of children of first and second childhood age. Laboratory work – anthropometry.Lectures2.00auditorium
3Physiological characteristics of children of first and second childhood age. Laboratory work – anthropometry.Lectures3.00auditorium
4Physiological characteristics and regularities during human life.Lectures5.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
To prepare for seminars on topics: 1. Growth and development regularities, morphological changes in the body at different ages, physiological characteristics of newborn, infant, early childhood children. 2. Physiological characteristics of children of first and second childhood age. 3. Physiological characteristics and regularities during human life. Prepare for the examination.
Assessment Criteria:
Knowledge, skills and competences of students are assessed in three test works for which points are obtained. 1. Growth and development regularities, morphological changes in the body at different ages, physiological characteristics of newborn, infant, early childhood children. 2. Physiological characteristics of children of first and second childhood age. Skills and competences of students are assessed in one laboratory work (anthropometry methods). Students acquire skills: to prepare theoretical justification for laboratory work, to measure human anthropometric parameters individually and collectively, to select appropriate measurement methods and tools, to interpret them, to compare them with other human indicators and literature data, to explain the causes of deviations from the norm. At the end of the study course, a differentiated assessment is provided based on the sum of points obtained without an additional examination. To get a positive assessment for the study course, the total points should sum up to at least 4. Summative assessment of knowledge and competences in test works. All written test works must be passed. If a student is absent or does not pass a test work, the test work must be retaken and passed. For a student to have a successful final assessment, he/she must have successfully written all three of the intended test works. In laboratory work, students should fill the measurement protocol individually. Conclusions should be drawn on compliance of the results obtained with the standard, and they should be interpreted.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:1. To demonstrate comprehensive and sport-specific knowledge of basic and specialised facts, theories, patterns of growth and physical development and a critical understanding of this knowledge: periodisation of ages, anatomical and physiological characteristics of growing children in certain ages, morphological and physiological changes, at different stages of human life, the role of physical exercise in promoting physical development, developing and maintaining the ability to work.
Skills:2. To carry out professional, innovative and research activities in the field of sport: to independently obtain, select and analyse information on changes in physiological indicators in the age of a student, adolescent and young person, at different stages of human life and to put it into practice. 3. To take responsibility and initiative when doing study and laboratory work individually, in a team or managing the work of other people when jointly developing laboratory work.
Competencies:4. To assess children’s physical development, estimate their biological age, to choose the best physical activity load and teaching methods for each age of children, to choose appropriate exercises.
Required Reading
1Pontaga, I. (2012). Vecumposmu fizioloģija. 1.daļa. Metodiskais līdzeklis, LSPA, Rīga, 87 lpp.
2Pontaga, I. (2012). Vecumposmu fizioloģija. 2.daļa. Metodiskais līdzeklis, LSPA, Rīga, 36 lpp.
3Rowland, T.,W. (2004). Children’s Exercise Physiology. Human Kinetics, printed in USA, 298 p.
Additional Reading
1Malina, R., M., Bouchard, C., & Bar-Or, O. (2004). Growth, Maturation, and Physical Activity. Human Kinetics, 728 p.
2Taylor, A., & Johnson, M. (2008). Physiology of Exercise and Healthy Aging. Human Kinetics, 304p.
3Pontaga, I., & Ūdre, V. (2008). Bērnu un pusaudžu fizisko spēju attīstīšanas bioloģiskais pamatojums. Bērnu un pusaudžu trenera rokasgrāmata (Galv. redaktors J.Žīdens), Latvijas Treneru tālākizglītības centrs, Rīga, 54-69.
Other Information Sources
1Malina, R., M., Baxter-Jones, A., D., G., Armstrong, N., et al. (2013). Role of Intensive Training in the Growth and Maturation of Artistic Gymnasts ((Review article). Sports Medicine, 43, 783–802.
2Tanner, J., M., & Preece, M.,A. (1989). The Physiology of Human Growth. Cambridge University Press, 232 p.
3Детская спортивная медицина. Под ред. Тихвинского С.Б. и Хрущева С.В..-М.:Медицина, 1991.-559.с.