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Theory, Methodology and Pedagogical Improvement of Sports Training

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:1.00
Study Course Accepted:03.07.2024 12:34:04
Study Course Information
Course Code:LSPA_336LQF level:Level 5
Credit Points:5.33ECTS:8.00
Branch of Science:Sports ScienceTarget Audience:Sports Trainer; Pedagogy
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Jānis Žīdens
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:LSPA, Brīvības gatve 333, Riga, LV-1006
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)10Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes20
Total Contact Hours20
Full-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)30Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes60
Total Contact Hours60
Full-Time - Semester No.3
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)10Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes20
Total Contact Hours20
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
State general secondary education.
Possibility to master the qualification of a coach in a selected athletic discipline at a professional level to plan, organise, manage and assess studies, training, methodological classes and competitions in a selected athletic discipline in accordance with the requirements of the coach’s profession standard of the athletic discipline. 
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Introduction. Objectives and tasks, assessment criteria of a coach in a selected athletic discipline. Aspects of preparation of a coach in a selected athletic discipline. Conditions for the development of a student research paper.Classes10.00other
2Athlete’s diary: Diary content. Recording study training work. Athlete’s tasks for training. Additional entries in the diary: plan, recording, competition calendar. Intensity and volume.Classes10.00other
3Technique analysis and teaching methodology in a selected athletic disciplineClasses10.00other
4Tactics teaching methodology in a selected athletic disciplineClasses10.00other
6Assessment of students’ performance. Self-assessment.Classes10.00other
Unaided Work:
In independent learning, the student studies special literature, develops independent works (reports, abstracts, presentations, performs practical work), analyses and evaluates the technical performance in a selected athletic discipline, develops his/her skills.
Assessment Criteria:
For mastering the study course, the student receives a differentiated assessment in a 10-point grading system in accordance with the LASE requirements. To get a positive assessment for the study course, the total assessment should sum up to at least 4 (minimum level). The student receives assessment by summing up the number of points, assessing knowledge, skills and competences in the performance of individual tasks (independent works, test works, active activity in theoretical, practical classes and seminars, practical demonstration of skills, attitude and individual dynamics). To obtain a positive assessment, the differentiated test requirements are: 1. development dynamics, activity in seminars and group work – 10%; 2. independent work performed by the student – 50%; 3. test works during the study course – 40%
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:1. Drawing up a training plan of training classes for a year, month and week. 2. Methodology for teaching techniques and tactics of the selected athletic discipline. 3. Safety and organisation of study and training processes, competitions. 4. Teaching methodology according to students’ age.
Skills:5. To use knowledge and skills in the planning, organisation, management of and creation of programmes for the study-training process and classes in the selected athletic discipline. 6. To use appropriate training methods, means and follow the regularity of physical loads and proportioning principles according to age, gender and fitness. 7. To plan, organise and manage competitions and events for the selected athletic discipline, following safety rules and saving the environment.
Competencies:8. To state and address deficiencies in techniques of students, assess their physical, functional condition, technical fitness, performance dynamics and efficiency in the orientation training process, as well as propose adequate changes to the training process. 9. To respect tolerance in the differentiation and individualisation of the pedagogical process according to students’ abilities, needs and interests and to assess students’ achievements and personality growth. 10. To independently use different teaching methods. 11. To analyse the relevance of selected study methods, aids and forms to students’ capacity and educational goals. 12. To cooperate with students’ parents.
Required Reading
11. Jansone, R., & Fernāte, A. (2009). Kustību apguves un fizisko spēju attīstīšanās didaktika sporta stundās. Metodiskais līdzeklis. Rīga, ISEC, 60lpp.
22. Fernāte, A. (2015). Dermatoglifikas metode cilvēka iedzimto fizisko spēju noteikšanā un attīstīšanā. projekta vad. un red. S. Luika ; galv. red. R. Līcis, red. U. Grāvītis, lit. red. A. Dzenis. „Vispusīgās fiziskās sagatavotības trenera rokasgrāmata – 4”, Rīga, Latvijas Treneru tālākizglītības centrs, 129-136.
33. Fernāte, A. (2008). Vispusība – galvenais princips bērnu un jauniešu sportā. Bērnu un pusaudžu trenera rokasgrāmata. J.Žīdena red. R: Imanta, 35-53.
44. Fernāte, A. (2004). Sportistu treniņu sistēmas raksturojums. Trenera rokasgrāmata. N.Graša red. R: Jumava. 9-26.
55. Fernāte, A. (2002). Sporta treniņu teorijas pamati. LSPA. 1. daļa
66. Ķīsis, I. (2002). Sporta teorija, LSPA, 1. daļa.
77. Ķīsis, I. (2002). Sporta teorija, LSPA, 2. daļa.
88. Krauksts, V. (2013). Treniņu teorijas pamati (bērni un pusaudži). Drukātava.
99. Trenera rokasgrāmata1.daļa. (2003). N.Graša red., Rīga: LTTC, 232lpp.
1010. Trenera rokasgrāmata 2.daļa. (2006). N.Graša red., Rīga: LTTC, 215lpp.
1111. Bērnu un jauniešu trenera rokasgrāmata (2008). Rīga, LTTC, 212.lpp
Other Information Sources
1Saskaņā ar patstāvīgo darbu uzdevumiem darbs datu bāzēs: PROQUEST EBRARY - Ebook Central THOMSON REUTERS - Web of Science SCOPUS - Bibliographic database SCIENCE DIRECT - World's largest electronic collection of science, technology and medicine