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Communication, Language and Speech Development, Early Developmental Assessment

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:2.00
Study Course Accepted:13.02.2024 08:57:40
Study Course Information
Course Code:REK_264LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.67ECTS:4.00
Branch of Science:Clinical MedicineTarget Audience:Rehabilitation
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Ilze Klatenberga
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Rehabilitation
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 26a Anninmuizas boulevard, rkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 20271291
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)5Lecture Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Lectures20
Classes (count)3Class Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Classes12
Total Contact Hours32
Full-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)3Class Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Classes12
Total Contact Hours12
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Pedagogy, didactics, phonetics and phonology of the Latvian language.
To acquire knowledge and practical skills of communication and language development and early assessment of development.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1The ontogenesis of speech acts. The development of expressive and impressive language.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
2The development of communication, speech and language, assessment options for children from 0-1 years.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
3The development of communication, speech and language, assessment options for children from 2-4 years. CPLOL. Integrated scales of development.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
4Introduction to MFAD. MFAD evaluation methodology.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
5Language development in ontogenesis. Receptive language development.Lectures1.00auditorium
6MFAD from 0-1 years. Play activities for the development of communication, speech and language.Classes1.00auditorium
7MFAD from 2-3 years. Play activities for the development of communication, speech and language.Classes1.00auditorium
8Bayley scales of infant and toddler development.Classes1.00auditorium
9Promoting infant development, early Intervention in premature infants (handling system, sensory stimulation, Castillo‐Morales' orofacial therapy).Classes1.00auditorium
10Clinical case.Classes2.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Work with literature, scientific article, analysis of clinical cases according to the course topics. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
Independent work 30%; Group work 20%; Exam 50%.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Gain knowledge of language development in genesis, development of expressive and impressive language, Munich functional diagnostic test, Bailey test, correction work with premature babies.
Skills:Will be able to assess the development of communication, speech and language of children aged 0-4, will be able to gather relevant information about children's functional abilities and factors that affect them, will be able to apply in play therapy techniques to develop communication, speech and language.
Competencies:Will be able to collect anamnesis, identify communication, speech and language disorders, provide recommendations.
Required Reading
1Vadlīnijas bērnu agrīnai funkcionēšanas novērtēšanai
2Iepazīsti savu bērnu: vecāku ceļvedis bērna agrīnajā attīstībā / Kīra Karmilova, Anete Karmilova-Smita; [no angļu valodas tulkojusi Arita Piķe]. 2013
3Runā ar mani, māmiņ!: vingrinājumi un rotaļas bērna runas attīstības veicināšanai / Astra Bāra; [redaktore Indra Putre; mākslinieks Edgars Švanks; Vitas Lēnertes vāka dizains]. 1934-2016
Additional Reading
1Agrīna funkcionēšanas traucējumu atpazīšana iespējamās invaliditātes mazināšanai vai novēršanai jaundzimušajiem un bērniem, kam konstatēti funkcionēšanas ierobežojumi ar augstu invaliditātes risku
2Rokasgrāmata runas, valodas un dzirdes attīstībā un traucējumu izzināšanā / [Ilze Blūmentāle... [u.c]; vāka un fotogrāfiju autore Līva Homčenko]. 2014
3Pirkstiņu rotaļas / Baiba Brice; [dizains: Baiba Lazdiņa, Arta Muceniece]. 1958-2016
4Mazais runā: BabyTalk programma: kā attīstīt un stiprināt bērna prasmi klausīties, saprast un sazināties no 0 līdz 4 gadiem / Dr. Sallija Vorda; [redaktore Ilze Vācere; tulkojums: Zelma Buile; Guntas Plotkas vāka dizains]. 2017
5Bērns runāt mācās ģimenē / Anastasija Irbe, Sarma Lindenberga; zīmējumi, vāka foto un dizains: Rudīte Kravale. 2017
6Zīdaiņu masāža: patīkama, veselīga, nomierinoša / Birgita Brauburgere; no vācu valodas tulkojusi Sinda Krastiņa. 2010
7Mazuļa masāža / Pīters Volkers; [no angļu valodas tulkojusi Aija Čerņevska]. 1942-2012
8Vislaimīgākā mazuļa rokasgrāmata lieliskam miegam: vienkārši risinājumi bērniem no dzimšanas līdz 5 gadu vecumam / Hārvijs Karps; [no angļu valodas tulkojusi Mārīte Lapiņa]. 2013
9Kustības un rotaļas bērna attīstībai / Birgita Brauburgere; no vācu valodas tulkojusi Irīda Miska. 2010
10Jūsu bērns mēnesi pēc mēneša: no dzimšanas līdz 2 gadiem / Sjū Lorenta, Pīters Rīders; [no angļu valodas tulkojis Māris Baltiņš]. 2010
11Aktīvs mazulis - gudrs mazulis!: no dzimšanas līdz 6 gadu vecumam / Glens Domens, Duglass Domens, Brūss Heigijs; [Ilzes Isakas vāka dizains; no angļu valodas tulkojusi Vija Stabulniece; redaktore Dace Markota]. 1919-2013. 2015