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Occupational Therapy in Public Health

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:2.00
Study Course Accepted:15.03.2024 14:25:54
Study Course Information
Course Code:REK_287LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:4.67ECTS:7.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Public HealthTarget Audience:Medical Services; Public Health; Rehabilitation
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Zane Liepiņa
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Rehabilitation
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 26a Anninmuizas boulevard, rkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 20271291
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)20Class Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Classes80
Total Contact Hours80
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Basics of occupational therapy, conceptual practice models, assessment and classification of functional ability limitations, occupation and cultural environment, research methods, ergonomics/work, somatic diseases, psychiatry in occupational therapy, general rehabilitation, clinical practice in somatic medicine I.
Gain knowledge and understanding of public health issues and realize the potential of occupational therapy as a health and social care specialty to be a health-promoting profession. To learn the skills to plan and implement occupational therapy interventions for raising the level of public health, respecting and realizing equal rights.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Health and functioning. Health in occupational perspective.Classes1.00METC
2Occupational deprivation.Classes2.00METC
3Needs assessment in occupational therapy. Focus group methodology.Classes2.00METC
4Public health and health determinants.Classes2.00METC
5Epidemiology: basic concepts and methods. Incidence and prevalence, health statistics.Classes2.00METC
6Health care system in Latvia. Patient rights. Professional regulations for occupational therapist.Classes1.00METC
7Community based rehabilitation strategy.Classes2.00METC
8Occupational therapy project in local context: partnerships, needs assessment, occupational therapy intervention strategy planning and implementation.Classes3.00other
9Health promotion and occupational therapy.Classes2.00METC
10Health communication occupational therapy practice: therapeutic patient education in working with individuals, groups and societies.Classes2.00METC
11Quality of life and quality of life studies.Classes1.00METC
Unaided Work:
During course, the students carry out literature studies, training/ practical exercises (case studies, needs assessment, focus group interview analysis, tests, etc.), develop course work (in groups). In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
During the course of study, individually completed learning tasks, presentation of group work according to the topic of the course work. • Active and productive participation in practical lessons; • active participation in seminars; • successfully written test tests during the course; • exam at the end of the course.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Defence (Semester paper)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:After course acquisition student will be able to: • Explain the concept of health, functioning and disability; • Characterize the interaction between occupation and health; • Characterize the factors affecting health and health habits of the Latvian population; • Explain the disease incidence variables (incidence, prevalence); • Explain the occupational deprivation concept, identify risk populations and describe influencing factors; • Name and describe the basic principles of health promotion in occupational therapy; • Name and describe the levels of prevention; • Name and describe the occupational needs assessment methods; • Characterize the community based rehabilitation strategy; • Explain the concept of quality of life and health-related quality of life.
Skills:After course acquisition student will be able to: • Select, collect and use key information on public health and the health habits of Latvian inhabitants; • Select and summarize national and local legislation on health care and social services for persons with disabilities and other groups at risk; • Apply the disease incidence calculations and public health statistics; • Identify occupational deprivation risks; • Assess, describe and analyze the target group occupational needs; • To formulate occupational therapy goals and objectives, according to the public health problems; • Identify methods of occupational therapy and rehabilitation strategies; • Realize the occupational therapy intervention in the local context; • Create a presentation of occupational therapy intervention in the local context.
Competencies:• analyze and interpret information about the public health situation and the health habits of Latvian citizens; • analyze and interpret information on the provision of health care and social services to persons with disabilities and other risk groups; • interpret disease frequency calculation data; • demonstrate skills in independent information search (scientific literature, legislation, statistical data, etc.), critical thinking and analysis; • the student will be able to describe the activity needs of the target group and will be familiar with methods of assessment of activity needs; • the student will be able to formulate the purpose and tasks of the project, in accordance with the identified problems of the need for the activity; • the student will know how to form partnerships with the target group for the implementation of interventions to eliminate the identified problems; • will identify occupational therapy methods and rehabilitation strategies/interventions in the local context; • will know how to plan the implementation of an occupational therapy project for risk populations in a local context.
Required Reading
1Sabiedrības veselības pamatnostādnes 2014.– 2020.gadam, Ministru kabineta 2014.gada 14.oktobra rīkojums Nr.589.
2PVO, Veselība 2020: Eiropas stratēģiskais ietvars visos pārvaldes un sabiedrības līmeņos veiktas rīcības atbalstam veselības un labklājības vairošanai (SPKC tulkojums latviešu valodā 2013.gadā), pieejams internetā.
3Baltiņš M., Epidemioloģijas pamatjēdzieni un koncepcijas, Lietišķā epidemioloģija, “Zinātne”, 2003., lpp.48 – 66. (akceptējams izdevums)
4Baltiņš M., Slimību biežuma aprēķini, Lietišķā epidemioloģija, “Zinātne”, 2003., lpp.68 – 106. (akceptējams izdevums)
5World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) (2004). Position Paper on Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR). (akceptējams izdevums)
6World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) (2006). Position Statement on Human Rights. (akceptējams izdevums)
7World Health Organisation, CBR: A Strategy for Rehabilitation, Equalization of Opportunities, Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities.
8Van Bruggen H. Working towards inclusive communities, Occupational therapy for people experiencing illness, injury or impairment, 2017. Ch. 21, 297 – 312.
9Pizzi A.M. Health Promotion and Prevention from Occupational Therapy Perspective, In: Occupational Therapy in the Promotion of Health and Wellness, Ch. 19, 376 – 396. 2010. (akceptējams izdevums)
10Wagman et al, Occupational balance as used in occupational therapy: A concept analysis, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2011; Early Online, 1–6. (akceptējams izdevums)
Additional Reading
1Latvijas iedzīvotāju (15-64 gadu vecumā) veselību ietekmējošo paradumu pētījums.
2Health component Community Based Rehabilitation: CBR guidelines, WHO, 2010, Pieejams internetā
Other Information Sources
1Pasaules Ergoterapeitu federācija
2Eiropas Ergoterapeitu padome
3Slimību profilakses un kontroles centrs