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German Language

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:12.00
Study Course Accepted:05.08.2024 08:36:52
Study Course Information
Course Code:VC_022LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:9.00ECTS:13.50
Branch of Science:LinguisticsTarget Audience:Political Science; Business Management
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Ludmila Jermakoviča
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)30Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes60
Total Contact Hours60
Full-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)30Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes60
Total Contact Hours60
Full-Time - Semester No.3
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)30Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes60
Total Contact Hours60
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)9Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes18
Total Contact Hours18
Part-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)9Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes18
Total Contact Hours18
Part-Time - Semester No.3
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)9Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes18
Total Contact Hours18
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Not required.
Ensure that having completed the course, students are able to use German for communication in daily life in accordance with the description of skills corresponding to levels A1/A2 of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment”.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Pronunciation of vowels, consonants and letter combinations. Greetings and saying goodbye. Phrases for getting acquainted. Addressing someone formally (using second person plural) and informally (using second person singular). Position of the verb in a sentence. Word order in the sentence. Questions with interrogative pronouns "W-Frage" and without "Ja/Nein-Frage". Names of the countries and languages in German. Definite article "-der(m), die(f), das(n)". Phrase "-Ich möchte nach".Classes5.00auditorium
2Place of residence, address, postal code, telephone number, marital status, e-mail address, place of work or studies. The use of verbs "wohnen, arbeiten, studieren” and the question word "Wo?” in the sentence. University, faculties. Cardinal numbers from 100 to 1000. Conjugation of the verbs "haben" and "sein” and use in sentences. Use of the question word "Wer?” in the sentence. Noun, gender.Classes7.00auditorium
3Currencies of different countries, numerals from 1000 to billion. Household utensils, furniture. Supermarket, department store, information, prices. Newspaper advertisements: second-hand goods – buying and selling. Plural of nouns. Accusative of nouns.Classes8.00auditorium
4Federal Republic of Germany. Federal states. National symbols. Parliament, parties.Classes10.00auditorium
5Shopping in a grocery store. Food, units of measure and types of packaging. Store departments and location of goods. Imperatives: instructions, requests and advice. Nominative case and dative case of Personal pronouns. Names of beverages and food, menu. Order in a cafe: "-Ich möchte/nehme/bestelle/trinke" + indefinite article "Akk. eine... ein... einen". Conjugation of the verb "essen”.Classes6.00auditorium
6Time expression – formal and informal. Event time and venue. "Um wie viel Uhr beginnt...?” Names of days, months and seasons. Public holidays in Latvia and in Germany. Professions, workplace, job responsibilities. Ordinal numerals. Modal verbs, their conjugation and use, word order in the sentence.Classes7.00auditorium
7Text "Eine Klasse stellt sich vor". Possessive pronouns, agreement with nouns, conjugation. Formal and informal letters. Family, family members, relatives. Family tree. Household chores. Irregular verbs – conjugation and use. Verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes – conjugation and use.Classes7.00auditorium
8Brief history of Germany. Unification of Germany. Government, foreign policy.Classes10.00auditorium
9Sightseeing in Berlin, Germany and Latvia, the most favourite places. Travel, route description, directions, transport, traffic, getting around the city, location of various sites. Recent past events. The past form of the verbs "war, hatte". Past Perfect – "Perfekt; Partizip II”, regular and irregular verbs. Accusative of personal pronouns.Classes7.00auditorium
10Youth in Germany and Latvia. Place of residence, relationship with friends and parents. Childhood and adolescence. Subordinate clauses with "weil und obwohl”, word order in subordinate clauses. Modal verbs in simple past "-Präteritum".Classes7.00auditorium
11Leisure and travel offer, entertainment options in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Latvia: travel, leisure, cities, places of interest, nature. Past Perfect "-Perfekt".Classes6.00auditorium
12The European Union, its structure, institutions and Member States.Classes10.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Pronunciation of vowels, consonants and letter combinations. Greetings and saying goodbye. Phrases for getting acquainted. Addressing someone formally (using second person plural) and informally (using second person singular). Position of the verb in a sentence. Word order in the sentence. Questions with interrogative pronouns "W-Frage" and without "Ja/Nein-Frage". Names of the countries and languages in German. Definite article "-der(m), die(f), das(n)". Phrase "-Ich möchte nach".Classes2.00auditorium
2Place of residence, address, postal code, telephone number, marital status, e-mail address, place of work or studies. The use of verbs "wohnen, arbeiten, studieren” and the question word "Wo?” in the sentence. University, faculties. Cardinal numbers from 100 to 1000. Conjugation of the verbs "haben" and "sein” and use in sentences. Use of the question word "Wer?” in the sentence. Noun, gender.Classes2.00auditorium
3Currencies of different countries, numerals from 1000 to billion. Household utensils, furniture. Supermarket, department store, information, prices. Newspaper advertisements: second-hand goods – buying and selling. Plural of nouns. Accusative of nouns.Classes2.00auditorium
4Federal Republic of Germany. Federal states. National symbols. Parliament, parties.Classes3.00auditorium
5Shopping in a grocery store. Food, units of measure and types of packaging. Store departments and location of goods. Imperatives: instructions, requests and advice. Nominative case and dative case of Personal pronouns. Names of beverages and food, menu. Order in a cafe: "-Ich möchte/nehme/bestelle/trinke" + indefinite article "Akk. eine... ein... einen". Conjugation of the verb "essen”.Classes2.00auditorium
6Time expression – formal and informal. Event time and venue. "Um wie viel Uhr beginnt...?” Names of days, months and seasons. Public holidays in Latvia and in Germany. Professions, workplace, job responsibilities. Ordinal numerals. Modal verbs, their conjugation and use, word order in the sentence.Classes2.00auditorium
7Text "Eine Klasse stellt sich vor". Possessive pronouns, agreement with nouns, conjugation. Formal and informal letters. Family, family members, relatives. Family tree. Household chores. Irregular verbs – conjugation and use. Verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes – conjugation and use.Classes2.00auditorium
8Brief history of Germany. Unification of Germany. Government, foreign policy.Classes3.00auditorium
9Sightseeing in Berlin, Germany and Latvia, the most favourite places. Travel, route description, directions, transport, traffic, getting around the city, location of various sites. Recent past events. The past form of the verbs "war, hatte". Past Perfect – "Perfekt; Partizip II”, regular and irregular verbs. Accusative of personal pronouns.Classes2.00auditorium
10Youth in Germany and Latvia. Place of residence, relationship with friends and parents. Childhood and adolescence. Subordinate clauses with "weil und obwohl”, word order in subordinate clauses. Modal verbs in simple past "-Präteritum".Classes2.00auditorium
11Leisure and travel offer, entertainment options in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Latvia: travel, leisure, cities, places of interest, nature. Past Perfect "-Perfekt".Classes2.00auditorium
12The European Union, its structure, institutions and Member States.Classes3.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Home assignments to acquire active vocabulary and grammatical structures. Individual, pair and group work - preparation of dialogues, tasks and presentations according to the course topics. Students are obliged to fill in the course evaluation questionnaire at the end of the course.
Assessment Criteria:
Regular attendance of classes is required. Active participation in practical classes, home assignments completed for each class. Test at the end of each module, which may include reading, listening, language use, writing and speaking skils, in which at least 55% of the answers must be corred to receive a pass. At the end of the 3rd and 4th semester, a semester test with a cumulative assessment, taking into account the results of the tests and participation in the course during the semester. Examination at the end of the course, which may include reading, listening, writing and speaking skils and vocabulary use. The final grade consists of; examination - 40%: average grade of tests - 50%: attendance - 10%.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Students will be able to use standard vocabulary in German in spoken and written communication, able to recognise and distinguish between statements and questions; able to find the necessary information in the text; able to use the most necessary phrases to start a conversation and to maintain it; able to recognise the most common German language structures; able to recognise and determine whether the relevant statement or text is related to present, past or future activities Students are aware of the aspects of intercultural relations in the use of language.
Skills:Students will be able to comprehend simple texts on definite everyday issues, letters, invitations, advertisements in the press and other authentic materials; will gain the skils to use acquired language structures in everyday communication, to retell and paraphrase the text expressing own opinion, including the consideration of intercultural communication aspects, .
Competencies:The competence to deliver brief personal information, information about your relatives, living conditions and studies, the competence to write an invitation and private letters, short messages, write down simple information, the competence to make a monologue on varios topics related to social life and jour studies, while demonstrating of the intercultural aspects of communication.
Required Reading
1Menschen, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Kursbuch, Hueber Verlag, 2016
2Menschen, Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch, Hueber Verlag, 2016
Additional Reading
1Zur Orientierung Deutschland - Quiz: Hueber-Verlag, 2012
2Zwischendurch mal.... Landeskunde: Hueber-Verlag, 2015
3Deutsch perfekt - Ein Sprachmagazin
4Maie Lepp Grammatik ist kinderleicht. Zvaigzne ABC, Riga, 2000, 231 S.
5Egons Ziediņš. Vācu valodas praktiskā gramatika. Zvaigzne ABC, 2009
6Vārdnīca 7 valodas biežāk lietotie vārdi un to izplatītākās nozīmes. Avots, 2003
Other Information Sources