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Pedagogy in Health Care

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:8.00
Study Course Accepted:14.12.2022 14:33:00
Study Course Information
Course Code:VPUPK_241LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Pedagogy; University PedagogyTarget Audience:Life Science; Biology
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Aira Aija Krūmiņa
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:J. Asara Street 5, vppkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +37167061587
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)8Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures16
Classes (count)4Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes8
Total Contact Hours24
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
According to the study programme.
To deepen the understanding of the categories of pedagogy in health care, to develop the ability to choose and apply pedagogical methods, integrating knowledge from various fields in biomedicine into practical and scientific activities, thus promoting scientific progress and making a creative contribution to the development of the field.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Basic principles of pedagogy in health care, development trends and perspective. Values in education and science in the 21st century. Skills and competences in the professional environment today and in the future.Lectures2.00auditorium
2Theoretical fundamentals of learning. Historical development of didactic approaches. Principles of effective, person-centred education.Lectures2.00auditorium
3Pedagogical methods and theories (teaching, behaviour, action, self-regulation, etc.) in health care.Lectures2.00auditorium
4Integration of pedagogical skills and biomedical knowledge in professional activity.Lectures2.00auditorium
5Current trends in the biomedical sector. Pedagogical (theoretical and practical) solutions to the situation/problem.Classes2.00auditorium
6Discussion of current issues in science in the context of biomedicine and pedagogy. Innovation and creative solutions. Presentation of independent work. Self-efficacy in the assessment of learning/study process.Classes2.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Independently and purposefully prepare for the classes, including: • consolidate the lecture material, • read additionally the indicated sources of information, • master and use professional terminology, • get involved in discussions, the analysis of problem situations/cases, role-plays, etc., • follow the topicalities of the branch and specialty; First independent work assignment "Presentation of important problems in the field of biomedicine and their justification" (in the context of the selection of specific interactive pedagogic methods, their description and demonstration in the group - e.g. online activity; advertising clip; infographic; role play, etc.). Second independent work assignment "Scientific justification of the problem and the developed solution" (in the context of an overview of at least last 5-7 years (2020-2022) of scientific research on the chosen topic, the evaluation of pedagogic methods for the improvement of their didactic goal - specific skills - professional, transversal, digital, etc., the compliance of the developed solution with the UN sustainable development goals and strategy).
Assessment Criteria:
Within the study course: 1) timely completed and submitted study course evaluation questionnaire; 2) active involvement in the course and discussions. Observations, conclusions, personal experience and vision, insights from seminars, conferences; 3) First independent work assignment "Presentation of important problems in the field of biomedicine and its justification” submitted in e-studies and presented in the group. 4) Second independent work assignment "Scientific basis of the problem and the developed solution" (group members' rating received; presented self-reflection on the work done) submitted in e-studies and presented in the group. The final score in points (1-10) consists of: - involvement and activity in the study course - 10% - First independent work assignment - Presentation and justification of the problem - 40% - Second independent work assignment - Scientific solution and analysis of the problem (self-reflection and evaluation of group members) - 50%
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:• describes the basic principles of effective learning and theoretical backgrounds of person-centred health care; • explains the importance of educational preventive work in own profession; • defines the theoretical aspects of scientific research.
Skills:• chooses and uses appropriate pedagogical methods, promoting the transformation of knowledge into practical activity; • raises and analyses current problem situation in the industry, develops an innovative, scientifically based solution to it; • observes the ethical aspects of research.
Competencies:Integrates knowledge of various biomedical fields into practice in the context of appropriate, innovative pedagogical choices; using modern technologies, makes a creative, sustainable contribution to the solution of specific situations and the achievement of set goals.
Required Reading
1Dahlgren, M.A., Rysted, H., Felländer-Tsait, L., Nyström S. ed. 2019. Interprofessional Simulation in Health Care: materiality, embodiment, interaction. Cham, Switzerland: Springer: Professional and practice-based learning. volume 26. 17-211.
2Fisher, F., Opitz, A. ed. 2022. Learning to Diagnose with Simulations: Examples from Teacher Education and Medical Education. Springer International Publishing AG. Iegūts no: ProQuest Ebook Central.
3Upmane, A., Ozoliņa, Z., Krūmiņa, A.A., Mihailovs, I.J. 2019. Komunikācija veselības aprūpes vidē. No: Mārtinsone,K., Sudraba, V. red. Veselības psiholoģija, RSU: 153.-177.
4Bartholomew, L.K., Eldredge L.K., Markham, K.M. 2016. Planning Health Promotion Programs: an Intervention Mapping Approach. (65-121; 145-193).
Additional Reading
1Connolly, M. 2020. Skills-Based Health Education. 2nd edition. Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning.
2Haugan, G., Eriksson, M. ed. 2021. Health Promotion in Health Care - Vital Theories and Research. Springer International Publishing AG. Iegūts no: via ProQuest Ebook Central.
3Carter, T.J. 2019. Transformative Learning in Healthcare and Helping Professions Education: Building Resilient Professional Identities / – (Series: Adult Learning in Professional, Organizational, and Community Settings_.- Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
4Zaidi, Z., Rosenberg, E.I., Beyth, R.J. 2019. Contemporary Challenges in Medical Education : From Theory to Practice. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.
5Krūmiņa, A.A., Mihailovs, J.M. 2020. Metodes programmas īstenošanai. no: Izglītības organizācijas pamatjautājumi un izglītošanās iespējas Latvijā. Rīga: NordLynx. 155.-190.
Other Information Sources
1Latvijas Nacionālais attīstības plāns 2021.–2027.gadam.
2Sabiedrības veselības pamatnostādnes 2021.−2027.gadam.
3Par Izglītības attīstības pamatnostādnēm 2021.-2027. gadam
4OECD. Skills Strategy 2019[2].
5OECD. 2020[3]. Skills to Shape a Better Future. Strengthening the Governance of Skills Systems: Lessons from Six OECD Countries.
6Tanwar, P. 2020. Big Data Analytics and Intelligence: A Perspective for Health Care. ed. by Emerald Publishing Limited.
7Silén-Lipponen M., Suvi A. 2021.Cultural competence learning of the health care students using simulation pedagogy: An integrative review. Nurse Education in Practice. 52:103044.
8Best, S., Beech, C., Robbé, I,J., Williams, S. 2021. Interprofessional teamwork: The role of professional identity and signature pedagogy – a mixed methods study. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 35(5):561-578.