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Public Health Care in Dentistry I

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:2.00
Study Course Accepted:02.05.2022 09:57:36
Study Course Information
Course Code:ZTMVK_049LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Oral MedicineTarget Audience:Dentistry
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Egita Senakola
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, Dzirciema street 20, tskatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67455560
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)10Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures20
Classes (count)5Class Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Classes20
Total Contact Hours40
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Preventive Dentistry course, Periodontology.
Part 1. To raise awareness of possibilities for public dental care, to create positive, professional attitude to promotion of general and oral health and to raise awareness of planning and development of different oral health promotion and education programmes for different age groups. Part 2. To create knowledge, skills and competencies so that students can find answers to clinical questions with scientific methods, mainly by understanding scientific methodology at a level that allows them to read and critically analyze the scientific literature.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Oral health care models in Europe. Oral health care model in Latvia. Oral health education programmes to promote oral health in the world. Best practice examples, also in Latvia.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Introduction in to dental public health - historical aspects. Primary oral health care. Ottawa Charter. Strategies recommended to prevent and control chronic diseases and oral diseases (common risk factor approach). Upstream and downstream concept.Lectures1.00auditorium
3Dental hnygienist education models in the world and Latvia. Historical aspects. Professional standart in Latvia. Prevention hour at dental hygiene practice.Lectures1.00auditorium
4Smoking and oral health. Epidemiological data. Secondhand smoke, women and smoking. Most significant effects of smoking on the oral cavity. Nicotine replacement products.The role of dental team in smoking cessation programmes.Lectures1.00auditorium
5Prevention of dental trauma. Epidemiology and aetiology. First aid for crown fracture and avulsed tooth. Information to the public about dental trauma, developing public dental trauma awareness, guidelines for preventive actions. Video.Lectures1.00auditorium
6Introduction to research methods in medicine and dentistry.Lectures1.00auditorium
7Study designs.Lectures1.00auditorium
8A search of medical information: patient information.Lectures1.00auditorium
9A search of medical information: professional information.Lectures1.00auditorium
10Ethics in biomedical research.Lectures1.00auditorium
11Dental care in different countries, students are answering on specific questions.Classes1.00auditorium
12Oral health education and promotion in all age groups: effects of tobacco on oral health, helping patients change their smoking habits, the role of a dental team.Classes1.00auditorium
13Dental trauma prevention. Mouthguards. / If, there will be an opportunity to realise - students' presentations about their lectures and games for the kindergarten children. Practice at kindergartens and pre-schools. Before acquaintance with the practice statutes to attend kindergartens and schools to educate children to improve their oral health. Acquaintance with the programme "Oral health promotin for kindergartens in Riga city", 2014, book 1- 58 p., booklet 1-8 p., 2 posters.Classes1.00auditorium
14Critical appraise topic - assignment.Classes1.00other
15Critical appraise topic - presentation.Classes1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Students prepare a review of the assigned readings to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge during seminars, to make presentations and informative booklets. On a voluntary basis - to draw up and implement a lesson plan on promoting oral health for children at kindergartens or preschools. To present the experience gained at the placement (kindergarten or preschool) during the last study course seminar. Students will have to prepare an assignment - searching for and appraising information according to certain criteria on a chosen topic, and preparing a presentation on the search process and the results found. Complete the course assessment questionnaire.
Assessment Criteria:
Part 1. During the study course, oral presentations and produced booklets in oral health education. Voluntary -students’ report on the practice in oral health education at kindergartens or preschools. Part 2. The e-learning activity “Workshop” will be used for the assignment, the evaluation will consist of 70% peer evaluation + 30% grade of evaluation. The authors of the best assignments will present the results in the last seminar; the assessment will be formative. The final examination rating shall be 50% of the score Part1 and 50% of the score Part 2.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Will get understanding of the principles of primary health care, common risk factor approach, systems for Oral healthcare in Latvia and abroad. Understanding of principles, approaches for oral health promotion and education, role of the dental team in oral and health promotion. Recognize the principles of the scientific method. Identify successes and problems of medical science today. Recognize the concept of Evidence-Based Medicine. Identify basic clinical-epidemiological research design. Identify basic research questions. Differentiate sites with information for patients or professionals. Identify biomedical search engines for published articles. Identify the ethical principles of medical research. Identify the ethical regulations guiding medical research. Recognize major ethical issues in research.
Skills:Upon completion of the course the students will be able to evaluate and use into their practical work the basic principles of health promotion and education. Will be able at first to understand and suggest preventive programmes and strategies opposite to treatment regimen in dentistry. Will be able to evaluate dental patients' preventive needs - eating habits, dental hygiene skills, give smoking cessation advices, educate dental patients how to prevent dental trauma and act in case of a trauma. Perform a search for medical information on the internet and validate it. Perform a search for medical research on selected search engines. Apply criteria for validating medical information on the Internet.
Competencies:Upon completion of the course the students will have ability to educate dental patients and to provide primary oral health care for population in different age groups. Will have ability to develop and take part in the process of implementation of different oral health promotion programmes for different age groups. This introductory medical research course provides the competencies that allow the student to recognize the role of research in clinical practice and the basic skills for the search and critical evaluation of medical information.
Required Reading
1Chestnutt I.G. Dental Public Health at a Glance. Wiley Blackwell. 1st Edition, 2016, 124 p.
2Daly B., Watt R.G., Batchelor P., Treasure E. Essential Dental Public Health. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, 2013.
3Felton A., Chapman A., Felton S. Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion. Wiley Blackwell, 2nd Edition, 2013, 300 p.
4Fejerskov O., Uribe S., Mariño R.J. Dentistry in a Historical Perspective and a Likely Future of the Profession. In: Mariño R.J., Morgan M.V., Walmsley A.D., editors. Career Paths in Oral Health. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018. p. 3–19.
5Kristapsone S. Zinātniskā pētniecība studiju procesā. Biznesa augstskola Turība, Otrais, aktualizētais izdevums, 2014, 350 lpp.
6Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students
7Chestnutt I.G. Dental Public Health at a Glance. Wiley Blackwell. 1st Edition, 2016, 124 p.
8Daly B., Watt R.G., Batchelor P., Treasure E. Essential Dental Public Health. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, 2013.
9Felton A., Chapman A., Felton S. Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion. Wiley Blackwell, 2nd Edition, 2013, 300 p.
10Fejerskov O., Uribe S., Mariño R.J. Dentistry in a Historical Perspective and a Likely Future of the Profession. In: Mariño R.J., Morgan M.V., Walmsley A.D., editors. Career Paths in Oral Health. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018. p. 3–19.
Additional Reading
1Brinkmane A., Senakola E., Veldre O., Mironova A. Mutes veselības mācības programma pirmsskolas izglītības iestādēm. Rīga: Mutes veselības fonds, 2014; 60. lpp.
2E.Senakola, A.Brinkmane, L.Kroniņa. Mutes dobuma veselība pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem Latvijā. Doctus, 2018, Nr.9, 35.-38.lpp.
3EU Manual of Dental Practise. 5th Edition, 2014.
4E.Senakola, I.Maldupa, S.Uribe, M.Ņizamovs. Mutes veselības pētījums skolēniem Latvijā 2015./2016. mācību gads. 1-56.lpp.
5Sheiham A., Bonecher M. Promoting Children`s Oral Health: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Quintessence LTDA, 2014.
6Kā palīdzēt pacientiem atmest smēķēšanu: rokasgrāmata primārās un ...
7Ross M. Keat Jean-Christophe Fricain, Sylvain Catros, Luis Monteiro, The Dentist’s Role in Smoking Cessation Management − A Literature Review and Recommendations: Part 2. Dent Update 2018; 45: 298–309. Part 1.Dent Update 2018; 45: 197–206.
8Toolkit for delivering the 5A’s and 5R’s brief tobacco interventions in primary care. WHO, 2014.
9Toolkit for oral health professionals to deliver brief tobacco intervention. WHO, 2017.
10Maldupa I., Uribe S. Ko nozīmē uz pierādījumiem balstīta zobārstniecība? Zobārstniecības raksti. 2014;(1):35–41.
11Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students
12EU Manual of Dental Practise. 5th Edition, 2014.
13Sheiham A., Bonecher M. Promoting Children`s Oral Health: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Quintessence LTDA, 2014.
14Ross M. Keat Jean-Christophe Fricain, Sylvain Catros, Luis Monteiro, The Dentist’s Role in Smoking Cessation Management − A Literature Review and Recommendations: Part 2. Dent Update 2018; 45: 298–309. Part 1.Dent Update 2018; 45: 197–206.
Other Information Sources
1Cochrane Library, Science Direct, SAGE, ProQuest, OVID, Willey online library, EBSCO, Dyna Med.