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Oral Health Promotion in Clinical and Population Settings

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:3.00
Study Course Accepted:28.07.2024 14:16:53
Study Course Information
Course Code:ZTMVK_077LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Oral MedicineTarget Audience:Dentistry
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Egita Senakola
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, Dzirciema street 20, tskatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67455560
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)5Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures10
Classes (count)10Class Length (academic hours)3Total Contact Hours of Classes30
Total Contact Hours40
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Biology, microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy, histology, embryology, dental anatomy, fundamentals in cariology, cariology, periodontology.
Part 1. To raise awareness of possibilities for public dental care, to create positive, professional attitude to promotion of general and oral health and to raise awareness of planning and development of different oral health promotion and education programmes for different age groups. Part 2. Cariology - to develop skills of patient examination, caries diagnostic and detection of carious lesions, prevention and early treatment of caries using evidence-based methods and materials; provide knowledge about the correct documentation of the patient and development of individual prevention and treatment plans.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Communication with patients, principles of motivational interviewing, tooth brushing instructionClasses1.00auditorium
2Toothpaste and other fluoride products for home use. Professionally applied fluorides.Classes1.00auditorium
3Application of fissure and proximal sealantsClasses1.00clinical base
4Completion of clinical records (DMFT, BPE, CPITN, plaque indices), tooth brushing instructions, professional hygiene, professional fluoride applications and caries treatment with dental sealantsClasses4.00clinical base
5Oral health care models in Europe. Oral health care model in Latvia. Oral health education programmes to promote oral health in the world. Best practice examples, also in Latvia.Lectures1.00auditorium
6Introduction in to dental public health - historical aspects. Primary oral health care. Ottawa Charter. Strategies recommended to prevent and control chronic diseases and oral diseases (common risk factor approach). Upstream and downstream concept.Lectures1.00auditorium
7Dental hnygienist education models in the world and Latvia. Historical aspects. Professional standart in Latvia. Prevention hour at dental hygiene practice.Lectures1.00auditorium
8Smoking and oral health. Epidemiological data. Secondhand smoke, women and smoking. Most significant effects of smoking on the oral cavity. Nicotine replacement products.The role of dental team in smoking cessation programmes.Lectures1.00auditorium
9Prevention of dental trauma. Epidemiology and aetiology. First aid for crown fracture and avulsed tooth. Information to the public about dental trauma, developing public dental trauma awareness, guidelines for preventive actions. Video.Lectures1.00auditorium
10Dental care in different countries, students are answering on specific questions.Classes1.00E-Studies platform
11Oral health education and promotion in all age groups: effects of tobacco on oral health, helping patients change their smoking habits, the role of a dental team.Classes1.00E-Studies platform
12Dental trauma prevention. Mouthguards. / If, there will be an opportunity to realise - students' presentations about their lectures and games for the kindergarten children. Practice at kindergartens and pre-schools. Before acquaintance with the practice statutes to attend kindergartens and schools to educate children to improve their oral health. Acquaintance with the programme "Oral health promotin for kindergartens in Riga city", 2014, book 1- 58 p., booklet 1-8 p., 2 posters.Classes1.00E-Studies platform
Unaided Work:
1st part - Students prepare a review of the assigned readings to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge during seminars, to make presentations and informative booklets. On a voluntary basis - to draw up and implement a lesson plan on promoting oral health for children at kindergartens or preschools. To present the experience gained at the placement (kindergarten or preschool) during the last study course seminar. 2nd part - For every lesson, students should read or listen to materials in e-studies (methodical materials, video and scientific articles); In 7th class students must prepare a fully completed patient cards with a caries risk assessment, a treatment plan and a letter to the patient. At the end of the study course to make evaluation of the course.
Assessment Criteria:
Part 1: During the study course, oral presentations and produced booklets in oral health education. Voluntary -students’ report on the practice in oral health education at kindergartens or preschools. Part 2: For the final grade, all tasks with grading “pass/fail” (including attendance) should be graded with “pass”, and other assignments should have a grade. The final grade will be calculated from three grades: All percentages will be summed to calculate the overall grade of all class tests during the semester (25% of the final grade). The clinical records will be graded with the second grade (25% of the final grade). During the last class, the professor will ask oral questions individually to each student, evaluating the responses with the third grade (50% of the final grade).
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:1st part - Will get understanding of the principles of primary health care, common risk factor approach, systems for Oral healthcare in Latvia and abroad. Understanding of principles, approaches for oral health promotion and education, role of the dental team in oral and health promotion. 2nd part - The behavioural sciences including the psychological and sociological principles underlying interpersonal skills, communication and behaviour modification. Behavioural factors that facilitate the delivery of preventive dental care. Patient-related factors influencing the outcome of the communication of preventive advice, for example, expectations, compliance over time and manual dexterity. Non-verbal communication, for example intonation, body language, sitting position and eye contact. Behavioural interventions such as motivational interviewing. Enabling the patient to recognise the association between oral and systemic diseases. Be familiar with culturally related differences in behaviour. Be familiar with the theoretical basis of emerging strategies and materials for the prevention and management of dental caries and other dental hard tissue disorders. The physical and biological science of radiography as related to detection and assessment of caries and other dental hard tissue disorders. The mode of action, composition, properties, limitations and side effects of commonly available materials, products and techniques for the preventive non-surgical and surgical management of dental caries and other dental hard tissue disorders, at individual, group and population levels. The indices for different oral problems.
Skills:1st part - Upon completion of the course the students will be able to evaluate and use into their practical work the basic principles of health promotion and education. Will be able at first to understand and suggest preventive programmes and strategies opposite to treatment regimen in dentistry. Will be able to evaluate dental patients' preventive needs - eating habits, dental hygiene skills, give smoking cessation advices, educate dental patients how to prevent dental trauma and act in case of a trauma. 2nd part - Establishing a trusting patient–dentist relationship. Communicating the results of risk assessment with patients or others and providing recommendations to enable patients to reduce the risk of developing new caries lesions and/or progression of existing lesions in the future. Identifying patient expectations, desires, attitudes, needs and demands when considering preventive treatment planning. Identifying the psychological, physical and social factors that might have an influence on patient compliance and thereby on the outcome of preventive measures implemented and advised. Involving the patient to promote their understanding of the disease and enhance cooperation in professional and individual preventive measures as a contribution to their future oral health. Obtaining informed consent for delivery of all aspects of preventive care. Working with other members of the dental team and having a clear knowledge of their roles and responsibilities during individualised preventive care and maintenance. Appropriately sharing information and professional knowledge with other health care professionals and knowing when to refer high caries risk patients to secondary care. Educating patients concerning the aetiology of dental hard tissue disease and encouraging them to assume responsibility for their oral health. Educating patients concerning dietary habits relevant to oral health. Teaching patients to perform appropriate oral hygiene measures. Performing professional tooth cleaning. Administering preventive agents (e.g. f luorides) appropriately. Monitoring the effects of mechanical and chemical plaque control. Applying fissure and proximal sealants. Taking into account the needs of risk groups (e.g. aged or disabled or patients with systemic or psychiatric disease). Recording caries and other dental hard tissue disorders using appropriate indices at different disease levels in a public health setting.
Competencies:1st part - Upon completion of the course the students will have ability to educate dental patients and to provide primary oral health care for population in different age groups. Will have ability to develop and take part in the process of implementation of different oral health promotion programmes for different age groups. 2nd part - Applying knowledge and understanding of the biological, medical, basic and applied clinical sciences in order to recognise caries and make decisions about their prevention and management in individuals and populations. Communicating the aspects of prevention effectively, interactively and reflectively with patients of all ages, their families and carers. The communication style has to consider the age and the social circumstances of the patient/community and the environment in which this is imparted. Collecting, interpreting and synthesising all relevant information needed to formulate appropriate treatment options, which can be presented to and discussed with the patient to arrive at a shared decision for an individualised treatment plan. This includes a preventive care strategy according to the needs, risks and compliance possibilities at the individual, family, group or community level. This nonsurgical disease management should consider not only the site and tooth but also patient-related factors. This requires an awareness of the potential to change and monitor risk over time. Furthermore, the graduating dentist must be competent at systematically evaluating all pre- ventive treatment outcomes at recall and formulating alternative treatment plans when required.
Required Reading
1Chestnutt I.G. Dental Public Health at a Glance. Wiley Blackwell. 1st Edition, 2016, 124 p.
2Burt and Eklund's dentistry, dental practice, and the community / St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier : AAPHD, American Association of Public Health Dentistry, [2021]
3Daly B., Watt R.G., Batchelor P., Treasure E. Essential Dental Public Health. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, 2013.
4Felton A., Chapman A., Felton S. Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion. Wiley Blackwell, 2nd Edition, 2013, 300 p.
5E.Senakola, I.Maldupa, S.Uribe, M.Ņizamovs. Mutes veselības pētījums skolēniem Latvijā 2015./2016. mācību gads. ISBN (pdf) 978-9934-514-36-4, 1-56.lpp.
6Maldupa I, Sopule A, Uribe SE, Brinkmane A, Senakola E. Caries Prevalence and Severity for 12-Year-Old Children in Latvia. Int Dent J. 2021 Jun;71(3):214–23.
7Fejerskov O, Nyvad B, Kidd E. Dental Caries: The Disease and its Clinical Management, 3rd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.
8Goldberg M. Understanding Dental Caries – from Pathogenesis to Prevention and Therapy. Springer, 2016.
Additional Reading
1EU Manual of Dental Practise. 5th Edition, 2014.
2Sheiham A., Bonecher M. Promoting Children`s Oral Health: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Quintessence LTDA, 2014.
3Kā palīdzēt pacientiem atmest smēķēšanu : rokasgrāmata primārās un perinatālās aprūpes speciālistiem nikotīna atkarīgu pacientu diagnosticēšanai un īsās intervences sniegšanai pacientu smēķēšanas atmešanas veicināšanai.
4Ross M. Keat Jean-Christophe Fricain, Sylvain Catros, Luis Monteiro, The Dentist’s Role in Smoking Cessation Management − A Literature Review and Recommendations: Part 2. Dent Update 2018; 45: 298–309. Part 1.Dent Update 2018; 45: 197–206.
5Toolkit for oral health professionals to deliver brief tobacco intervention. WHO, 2017.
6Paula Moynihan, Yuka Makino, Poul Erik Petersen,| Hiroshi Ogawa. Implications of WHO Guideline on Sugars for dental health professionals. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2018;46:1–7.
7Sheiham A, James WP. Diet and Dental Caries: The Pivotal Role of Free Sugars Reemphasized. J Dent Res. 2015 Oct;94(10):1341-7.
8Senneby A, Mejàre I, Sahlin NE, Svensäter G, Rohlin M. Diagnostic accuracy of different caries risk assessment methods. A systematic review. J Dent. 2015 Dec;43(12):1385-93.
9Gimenez T, Piovesan C, Braga MM, Raggio DP, Deery C, Ricketts DN, et al. Visual Inspection for Caries Detection A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Dent Res. 2015 Jul;94(7):895-904.
Other Information Sources
1Cochrane Library, Science Direct, SAGE, ProQuest, OVID, Willey online library, EBSCO, Dyna Med.
2Oral Health - World Health Organization (WHO)
3World Oral Health Day, FDI.
4Egita Senakola un citi autori- Publikācijas Doctus
5Visual Inspection for Caries Detection: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
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