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The foundation Doctors Safe Train was established in 2013 jointly by two Latvian universities – the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) and the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU).

The name, Doctors Safe Train, indicates that the training of the staff should be safe, without harm to patients – in conditions that imitate real activities in the operation room, using live tissues. When medical professionals start working in a hospital, they are supposed to be trained so well that all stages of various manipulations and operations are performed without a hitch.

In 2021, the State Education Quality Service of the Republic of Latvia assessed the operation of the Center for Safe Medical Practical Training structural unit of Doctors Safe Train. In accordance with the request, the center was granted the status of an adult non-formal education institution and given the registration number 2880802313.

We offer

  • Modern operation rooms that allow working on live tissues in real life conditions;
  • Highly qualified experts from Latvia and other EU countries

Summary of Doctors Safe Train

  • In 2024, Doctors Safe Train expanded its training programmes to include the use of small animals—the rat model—enabling the teaching of microsurgical vascular suturing techniques to both Latvian and foreign specialists.
  • After obtaining the necessary permits, Doctors Safe Train began developing a military medicine training unit in 2024, which will facilitate the practical training of both Latvian and foreign military medicine specialists.
  • RSU residents continue their live tissue training. In the 2023/24 academic year, 38 RSU residents in general surgery, family medicine, gynaecology, and urology received training.
  • June 2023 marked the 10th anniversary of Doctors Safe Train. During this time, the foundation has built up a wealth of experience and credibility.
  • During the 2022/2023 academic year, residents in general surgery, paediatric surgery, family medicine, gynaecology and urology were successfully trained in using live tissue. During the training, the residents upgraded their theoretical knowledge and had a unique opportunity to acquire new practical skills using live tissue.
  • In cooperation with RSU, Doctors Safe Train actively participates in the development of military medicine training in Latvia – an exchange trip to Germany was organised (to the Akademie der Unfallchirurgie GmbH, Acute care in trauma), during which the necessary contacts were established to successfully implement this significant training.
  • Doctors Safe Train has a wealth of experience in organising international training in both laparoscopic surgery and interventional radiology and is open to new offers for organising both local and international training using live tissue.

Authorised representatives and experts




Ilvita Švāne
Head of Lifelong Learning Centre, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies