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On behalf of the Baltic Society of Sport Sciences (BSSS), and Rector of the Latvian Academy of Sport Education, we have the honour to invite you to take part in the 14th Baltic States Sport Science Conference "Sports Science and Health at a Time of Change" in Rīga, Latvia.

The Latvian Academy of Sport Education has the honor to assume the main responsibility for the organization of the Conference. On our centenary, we are proud to invite our friends and colleagues to discuss the advances in sport science and health in festive atmosphere. At a time of change, we hope to see you all in person and enjoy friendly conversation during the anniversary reception.

The annual event brings together the teaching staff, research fellows and doctoral students from the institutions of university-level education in the Baltic States and several other countries.

Traditionally, the conference offers the opportunity for colleagues to learn about the research results achieved by others and to launch or renew cooperation projects. The format of the conference hopefully encourages academic discussions and interaction between the participants
and established scientists who have been invited to deliver keynote speeches. The conference traditionally includes competition for the award of young scientists, who get the chance to exchange ideas and establish contacts for developing their research projects.

We would like to invite researchers working in the following areas to submit their research abstract to our conference. Your valuable research will be shared with others and will bring benefits for our scientific community.

Subjects and fields

  • Sport Science
  • Sport Medicine
  • Science of Exercise
  • Physical Activities
  • Wearable Technology in Sport
  • Sport Nutrition
  • Sport Management
  • Physical Education
  • Sport Supplement
  • Sport Psychology
  • Human Performance
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Fitness and Health
  • Body Composition
  • Anthropometry
  • Sport Monitoring and Analysis



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