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Join the Academic Seminar 2023! This year's theme is “Beyond books: AI in Academic realm” and the seminar is intended to explore the future of education and gain insights into how artificial intelligence is shaping the academic landscape.

Sign up now to unlock a world of innovative possibilities in teaching and learning. Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of educational technology.

The Academic Seminar is an annual event previously organised by the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Student Union (Studējošo pašpārvalde, SP), but in order to broaden its audience the International Student Association (ISA) is collaborating in organising the seminar this year. The event will be held in English and an effort will be made to guarantee that the audience is made up of both Latvian and international students. Every RSU student, regardless of faculty, study year, or nationality is welcome to apply.

This will be a one-day event, consisting of lectures and two workshops surrounding the topic of AI. These sessions will be led by academic staff from RSU and potentially other speakers who have experience with the topic.

In the evening, participants will be able to discuss the subjects presented during the day in an informal atmosphere. This networking session is intended to promote mingling and connections to bridge the gap between the local and international student populations, a goal that both SP and ISA shares.

academic seminar 2023


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