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Discussion with tenured professor Mirjam Blattner-Johnson "Precision medicine for pediatric cancer care. The more we know the better we can treat".

Target audience:
Students, researchers, public health experts, health policy makers and professionals

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16.30–17.00Discussion and coffee
Language: English

Focus of the discussion

The current status of the European wide precision medicine registry INFORM and how newest sequencing technologies and beyond can find the right treatment of sick kids which did not respond to the standard of care treatment.

The talk will be split into two parts. The first part will give you an overview of the technologies and workflow of such a patient centric precision medicine program. The second part will demonstrate how data which are generated through such programs can be used for research with the ultimate goal to improve the life of future paediatric cancer patients. 

What You'll Learn

After the talk you will have a better understanding of how next generation sequencing as well as other diagnostic tools can be used in real time to improve disease diagnosis and treatment plans. 

Why This Matters

Because cancer is a devastating disease and especially if it affects small children and their families. Research cannot stop until we are able to choose the right therapy for the right patient as well as sparing kids from unnecessary treatment. 

Future Directions

Unfortunately, there are still many cancer subtypes which fail traditional treatment. My group will focus on exploring additional biomarkers using newest sequencing technologies on the Latvian population based pediatric cancer cohort.

Takeaway Message

Children are not small adults and they need treatment plans tailored to their needs and their disease

Biography of Dr. Mirjam Blattner-Johnson

Scientist at the Hopp Children's Cancer Center Heidelberg (KITZ) and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ); Research Professor at Rīga Stradiņš University and (RSU) and Children's Clinical University Hospital (BKUS).

Headshot of tenured professor Mirjam Blattner-Johnson

Dr Blattner-Johnson completed her higher education in biomedicine and biotechnology in Vienna, Austria and the Humboldt University Berlin, Germany followed by a PhD at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, USA. Since 2017, Dr Blattner-Johnson has been the lead analyst for next generation sequencing data for the international paediatric precision medicine program INFORM, which is open across 12 European countries. INFORM has the goal to identify tumour specific targeted therapy by performing and analysing lcWGS; WES, RNAseq and high throughput drug screen on fresh tumour material from paediatric patients post relapse.

In addition, her special research focus is on the molecular classification of newly identified and rare paediatric brain tumors using state-of-the-art molecular diagnostic tools such as DNA methylation profiling, single cell sequencing technologies and integrative proteome and transcriptome profiling. 


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